6 Trinity
TRINITY The union of three in one; generally applied to the ineffable mystery of three persons in one God,-- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This doctrine is rejected by many because it is incomprehensible; but, as Mr. Scott observes, if distinct personality, agency, and divine perfections, be in Scripture ascribed to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, no words can more exactly express the doctrine, which must unavoidably be thence inferred, than those commonly used on this subject, viz. that there are three distinct Persons in the Unity of the Godhead. The sacred oracles most assuredly teach us, that the One living and true God is, in some inexplicable manner, Triune, for he is spoken of, as One in some…
5 Unity Of God
UNITY OF GOD A term made use of to denote that there is but one God or self-existent Being. The unity of God is argued from his necessary existence, self-sufficiency; perfection, independence, and omnipotence; from the unity of design in the works of nature; and from there being no necessity of having more gods than one: but the Scriptures set it beyond all doubt, Deut 6:4. Ps 86:10. Is 63:10. Mk 12:29. Jn 17:3. Rom 3:30. 1 Cor 8:4,6. 1 Tim 2:5.
Book 1: Chapter 13, The Unity Of The Divine Essence In Three Persons Taught, In Scripture, From The Foundation Of The World
This chapter consists of two parts. The former delivers the orthodox doctrine concerning the Holy Trinity. This occupies from sec. 1-21, and may be divided into four heads; the first, treating of the meaning of Person, including both the term and the thing meant by it, sec. 2-6; the second, proving the deity of the Son, sec. 7-13; the third, the deity of the Holy Spirit, sec. 14 and 15; and the fourth, explaining what is to be held concerning the Holy Trinity. The second part of the chapter refutes certain heresies which have arisen, particularly in our age, in opposition to this orthodox doctrine. This occupies from sec. 21 to the end. Sections. 1. Scripture, in teaching that the essence of God is immense…
These Three Are One
A Last Epistle
The following is the last letter in my possession, written by my father three months before his death. He had been at Leicester on the 18th. The letter was addressed to Mr. Isaac Harrison, Leicester. Dear Friend,—I just drop this line to say that through the kind providence of God, I reached home safely, and thought myself much better for my journey; but we have had some very trying weather here since I came home, and I am now much worse than I was when at Leicester. This morning the weather is very fine, and I have been out, but can scarcely walk for want of breath. O that I were blessed with a little more of the divine breathings of God the Holy Ghost,…
The Virgin Birth Of The Lord Jesus Christ