• Jared Smith On Various Issues

    Is Hyper-Calvinism A False Gospel?

    Based on the false dichotomy between the sovereignty of God and the responsibility of man, Low and Moderate Calvinists misrepresent High (Hyper) Calvinism as that form of doctrine which is unorthodox, killing a love for souls, eliminating the need for evangelism and undermining the purpose of prayer. Such are the charges set forth by Roy Hargrave as the reasons why he abhors the Hyper-Calvinists. However, are these assertions true? Is Hyper-Calvinism unorthodox? Does Hyper-Calvinism kill a love for souls? Does Hyper-Calvinism eliminate the need for evangelism? Does Hyper-Calvinism undermine the purpose of prayer? In this study, Jared Smith responds to these charges, setting forth an argument that not only are Hyper-Calvinists orthodox, but they alone nurture an authentic love for souls, fulfill the great work…

  • Jared Smith On Various Issues

    What Is Hyper-Calvinism?

    What Is Hyper-Calvinism? This same question appears as the title for an article written by Ronald Hanko for the Protestant Reformed Churches in America (PRCA). You may view the full article here. Hanko admits that his group (PRCA) is often maliciously charged with being hyper-Calvinists, because it rejects the well-meant offer of the gospel. However, he argues the historic definition for hyper-Calvinism[1] is restricted to those who deny the doctrine of duty-faith, rather than those who reject the free-offer. He writes, “Historically, the name has been applied to those who deny that the command of the gospel to repent and believe must be preached to all who hear the gospel.” He goes on to explain: “A hyper-Calvinist (historically and doctrinally) is…one who believes rightly in…

  • George Ella on Doctrinal Matters

    Antinomianism And The Righteousness Of The Law

    Most readers are familiar with the Calvinist-Arminian controversy of the 18th century in which free-grace, championed by Whitefield, Toplady and Romaine was set against free-will, maintained by Fletcher, Sellon and Wesley. The controversy dealt with whether salvation was made possible by Christ, depending on man’s acceptance of it, or whether Christ secured His Church’s salvation by His atoning death. At the same time, a similar controversy was raging on a closely related topic. “Is the Mosaic Law God’s eternal standard or has it become irrelevant to unbeliever and believer alike as a Covenant of Works and as a yardstick of sanctification?” The leading contestants in the Calvinistic-Arminian controversy were mainly Oxford and Cambridge dons and men of a first class education. The opposite was the…

  • Jared Smith's Bible Doctrine

    2 Bible Doctrine – What Do These Labels – “Arminianism” And “Calvinism” – Represent?

    A Transcript Of The Video Study In our previous study, I sought to show you that every field of knowledge has been reduced to its own framework of teachings. With reference to the Bible, we often call its framework of teachings, Systematic Theology. However, there is more than one system of teachings derived from the Scriptures. The two most prominent frameworks are those of Arminianism and Calvinism. Now, what exactly do these labels represent? These labels represent two diametrically opposed systems of biblical theology. The name “Arminianism” is derived from the teachings of a Dutch Theologian who lived during the 16th century named Jacobus Arminius (1560-1609). The name “Calvinism” is derived from the teachings of a French Theologian who also lived during the 16th century…

  • Jared Smith's Hymn Studies,  Thomas Ken Hymn Studies

    Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow

    According to Charles Buck, a doxology is "a hymn used in praise of the Almighty". It is typically sung at the end of corporate worship, before the people of God are dismissed. Some of the points covered in this sermon: • James Montgomery’s appraisal of the hymn • A short sketch of Thomas Ken’s life • The occasion and purpose for which Ken wrote the hymn • The larger compositions into which the hymn originally belonged • The theme of the hymn—those made in the image of God, should praise the God in whose image they are made • An exposition of the hymn—(1) the object of praise; (2) the givers of praise • An examination on how the hymn fits within the framework of…

  • Jared Smith's Sermons

    Dispensations Of Disgrace

    Some of the points covered in this sermon: • Providing a historic backdrop to Dispensationalism • Defining a ‘dispensation’ according to the signification of Scofield • Highlighting the first of two primary principles of interpretation which undergird the Dispensational framework—“rightly dividing the word of truth” • Explaining the basic fabric of the Dispensational framework—a timeline with eternal extensions, seven major events, seven major dispensations, seven major themes, seven major covenants • Distinguishing between the Dispensational and Calvinistic use of biblical language • Explaining how Dispensationalists have invented different plans of salvation • Showing why Dispensationalists sideline the first three dispensations • Showing why Dispensationalists focus on the fourth and fifth dispensations • Explaining the difference between Dispensationalism’s view of God’s “elect people” based on race,…