• Peter Meney's Scripture Meditations

    Here Am I; Send Me

    The sixth chapter of Isaiah has long been admired for the grandeur of the vision it contains of the Lord’s divine glory. For Christians, Isaiah reveals much of Christ and His successful work of atonement. It is Christ who is seated on the throne and the church is His train. The Lord God Jehovah in His three persons is also evident, implied perhaps, in the threefold repetition of ‘Holy’ by the worshipping heavenly host. Only one priest and king Isaiah supplies a precise date for this vision. It was in the year king Uzziah died. Uzziah had been a successful king in Judah and the nation prospered while he was faithful to Jehovah, and ‘did that which was right in the sight of the Lord’,…

  • Robert Hawker's Poor Man's Morning Portions

    February 19—Morning Devotion

    "The prisoner of Jesus Christ."—Ephesians 3:1 My soul! art thou a prisoner of Jesus Christ? See to it, if so, that, like the apostle, thou art bound with Jesu's chains for "the hope of Israel." They are golden chains. When Paul and Silas were fast bound in the prison, the consciousness of this made them sing for joy. Men have their prisons, and God hath his. But here lies the vast difference: no bars or grates, among the closest prisons of men, can shut God out from comforting his prisoners; and, on the contrary, nothing can come in to afflict Jesu's prisoners, when he keeps them by the sovereignty of his grace, and love, and power. Blessed Lord! look upon thy poor prisoner; and come…

  • Robert Hawker's Poor Man's Morning Portions

    February 15—Morning Devotion

    "With purpose of heart they would cleave unto the Lord."—Acts 11:23 My soul, art thou cleaving to thy Jesus? It is a grand thing so to do; and it must be from continued supplies of grace in Jesus, if thou art really doing it. A few points will shew. Is Jesus thy all? Is he uppermost in all things? Faith hath for its one object, Jesus. Let a true believer be wheresoever he may—at home, or abroad; alone, or in company; the closet, or the churchreit is all the same, if he really, truly, cleaves to the Lord with purpose of heart; there is a looking unto Jesus for all thinks, and in all things. Again; if I cleave to the Lord, I shall do…

  • Robert Hawker's Poor Man's Morning Portions

    February 2—Morning Devotion

    "Seest thou this woman?"—Luke 7:44 My soul, look at this woman at the feet of Jesus; for thy Jesus bids thee look, and gather instruction from the view, as well as the pharisee. Behold how she wept, how she washed the feet of Jesus, and anointed them with ointment. These were sweet tokens of her love and adoration. But were these the causes for which she obtained forgivings? Oh, no. Read what the Lord said to her: "Thy faith hath saved thee." Learn, then, my, soul, in what salvation lies. Love may bring ointment to Jesus. Sorrow for sin, when grace is in the heart, will cause tears to fall. But faith brings nothing, for it hath nothing: it casts itself wholly upon Jesus. Amidst…

  • Robert Hawker's Poor Man's Morning Portions

    January 20—Morning Devotion

    "What shall be done unto the man whom the king delighteth to honour?"—Esther 6:6 Nay, my soul, ask thine own heart what shall be done to the God-man whom Jehovah the King of kings, delighteth to honour? Oh, for the view of what John saw, and to, hear what John heard, when he beheld the heaven opened, and heard the innurnerable multitude chanting salvation to God and the Lamb! Lord, I would say, "let every knee bow before him, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." And Oh, most gracious Father! dost thou take delight that Jesus should be honoured? Is it thine honour when Jesus is honoured; thy glory when Jesus is glorified? Oh, what…