Ye Have Need Of Patience
Are the Christian’s exercises great, and his patience small? Yet can he ever be at a loss to know by whom this grace is increased? Verily the Lord he serveth is ‘the God of patience.’ Hath he need of patience? Hear the Comforter’s declaration, by St Paul: ‘My God shall supply all your need, according to his riches in glory.’ Mind, disciple, this is covenant mercy; therefore, with every other grace it comes through a Mediator. Hence it is added, ‘by Jesus Christ.’ Phil. 4:19. We do the will of God when we believe on his Son Jesus, and love one another. 1 John 3:23. And all the promises are in Christ Jesus, ‘yea and amen,’ sure and certain to every believing soul. By faith…
Keep Yourselves From Idols
Idolatry is founded in ignorance of Jesus, the true God, and eternal life. None are spiritual worshippers of God but believers in Jesus. There are many idols in the world, suited to the pride and lusts of our corrupt nature. These we are cautioned against. But in reading this very exhortation, the idol of free-will is ready to present itself; as though disciples, by their own power, were to keep themselves. This notion opposes the Spirit and power of Jesus, and springs from that grand idol, pride. Pride introduces the idol of self-righteousness. This blinds the eye to the glory of the righteousness of Christ, which is freely imputed through faith. Thus this trinity of idols, free-will, pride, and self-righteousness, are in unity with each…
The Lord Reigneth
When King Solomon got up to pray on that momentous occasion at the dedication of the Temple, he was undoubtedly inspired by God the Holy Spirit in that prayer which he uttered before the Lord. And it is very instructive to notice that the very things that Solomon prayed for, came to pass in the history of God’s ancient people. In other words, the Holy Ghost, directing his prayers almost in a prophetic sense, knew that a day would come when, for example, as we have before us in our own day at this very moment, these pestilences and plagues. Solomon was led to ask the Lord that when such a day should come; when the plague would visit the land and the pestilence cause…
Following The Lord Jesus Christ
The subject here is a vital one: following the Lord Jesus. We have here three different people, all talking about following the Lord Jesus. We do not know their names; we do not know what happened to them after- wards; but we have very clearly set before us the way the Lord Jesus dealt with them and the things He said to them. Now the first. “It came to pass, that, as they went in the way, a certain man said unto Him, Lord, I will follow Thee whithersoever Thou goest.” In the account we read this morning (Matthew 8. 18-22), we are told that this man was a scribe, which means he was an eminent man. The Lord Jesus did not have many scribes…
Take My Life And Let It Be
The Apostle Paul instructed the believers at Colosse to teach and admonish one another in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. That is what I hope to do by explaining the meaning of this hymn, against the backdrop of the Framework of Sovereign Grace.
Bless The Lord, O My Soul!
Bless The Lord, O My Soul!” Unto thee, O God, I look; upon thee I call; thou art the refuge of my soul, and in thee alone my soul makes her boast and trusts. Thou art the strength of my life and my hope, from my youth till my old age; for thou didst have mercy upon me, and pardon all my sins, and reveal thy Son in me as thy salvation unto his people and my Redeemer, my life, my righteousness and my glory. Thou, O God, hast given me to rejoice in his name, and he is become my salvation. Yea, I am complete in him in whom all fullness dwells, and with him thou hast freely given me all things. O, my…