None Like The God Of Jeshurun
My dear Friend in the glorious Head of the Church,—I received your epistle, and am greatly obliged to you for it. I was sorry to learn that our dear brother Martin was so ill, but much pleased and profited to find that our blessed Lord so sweetly and powerfully supported his mind. Indeed, in very deed, there is no God like the God of Jeshurun. None can save like him; none can succour, comfort, and support like him; no, nor can any one give timely reproof like him. Through the rich aboundings of his matchless grace, I have in thousands of instances proved him to be a very present help in time of trouble; yea, and have proved his very reproofs to be mercies. Our…
I Need The Affirmation Of Thy Love, O Lord
Some of the points covered in this sermon: • Providing an overview of the Apostle Paul’s three evangelistic campaigns against the backdrop of a geographical timeline • Tracing the time and location around which the events of Acts 14:20-22 occurred • Highlighting the term “confirmed”, providing a definition for the Greek term and the number of time it appears in the New Testament • Tracing the time and location around which the events of Acts 15:30-35 occurred • Tracing the time and location around which the events of Acts 15:36-41 occurred • Tracing the time and location around which the events of Acts 18:18-23 occurred • Tying together these four texts, by comparing and contrasting the way in which the term “confirmed” is used in each passage…
Faithful And Industrious Household Servants
March 9, 1830 My dear Friend in Eternal Union,—Yours came to hand; and very glad I was to receive it, and happy to hear that our dear friend Martin is in any measure better; but the best of all is, the sweet peace of mind which our ever-to-be-adored God is pleased to afford him. I often think of him when my dear Lord affords me access to himself; and sure I am that the union which exists between Christ and his dear family, and between them as one body in him, can never be broken. Let what bonds break that may, this is a bond that can never, no never be broken. Indeed, those very storms and tempests which break in pieces other bonds, only…
Different Stages Of Gracious Experience
A Fragment of a Sermon "One shall say, I am the Lord's; and another shall call himself by the name of ]acob; and another shall subscribe with his hand unto the Lord, and surname himself by the name of Israel.”—Isaiah 44:5 The three characters spoken of in my text were children of God in different stages of experience: the first, in the full assurance of faith, with the enjoyment of peace and pardon in the soul; the second seemed to embrace by far the largest number of God's family—poor, fearful, staggering, doubting sinners, yet spiritual Jacobs; and the third, those who possessed some good degree of confidence, whose desire was unto the Lord, to serve him with purpose of heart. I. "One shall say, I…
The Application Of Scripture To The Mind
Manchester, 1841 Messrs. Editors,—I am concerned to know how we may assure ourselves that a passage of Scripture, when applied to the mind, is by God the Holy Spirit, and not by the evil one who lieth in wait to deceive. If you or some of your correspondents will endeavour, through the medium of the Standard, to bring me to a satisfactory conclusion upon that matter, it will be greatly esteemed by your constant reader,—ELIZABETH. Answer. “Elizabeth” says she is “concerned to know how we are to assure ourselves that a passage of Scripture, when applied to the mind, is by God the Holy Spirit, and not by the evil one who lieth in wait to deceive.” Now to me it appears that what comes…
Peter’s Transformation