Christ The Believer’s Breakwater
Being A Few Poetical Remarks, Occasioned By A Visit To The Breakwater, In Plymouth Sound, On The 30th Of January, 1822. “The waters saw thee, O God, the waters saw thee; they were afraid; the depths also were troubled."—Psalm 77:16 On Wednesday last, a pleasant day. When winds did not their force display, The sea assumed a gentle form, Nor did the sky denote a storm, The Breakwater I went to view, A bulwark great and useful too. The day began and finish'd bright, And truly 'twas a pleasant sight. Amidst the ocean I could stand, And view the deep on either hand. With friends I spent six hours or more, Who show'd all kindness in their power. Upon the Breakwater we walk'd, Look'd round,…
Hard Work Made Easy
Dear Friend,—Yours came to hand, and I have just time to say that I intend, God willing, to be at P. on September 21st, and if I can be conveyed from there to G. on October 1st, I will very gladly come; but I must be at L. the day following. I dare not attempt to preach more than three times in the week days,[1] as too much exertion brings the jaundice upon me; so I am obliged to preach less, or lay myself upon the shelf. No thanks to me; for when I enjoy my dear Lord in his work, it is sweet employment indeed; but when Christ is not enjoyed, it is very hard work. Indeed, I do not find any work but…
The Spirit Led Man
The New Law
In the Gospel Standard for 1839, amongst the “Gleanings” was one, attributed to Mr. Gadsby: “The old covenant they broke, and the old law they broke, and break; but they cannot break the new covenant, neither can they break the new law.” In reply to this, the next month, Mr. Gadsby wrote: “Messrs. Editors,—In your number for this month (January), page 24, amongst your gleanings, is a remark to which the signature 'W. G.' is put, which I altogether deny as ever falling from my lips, It is that the believer 'cannot break the new law.' I believe that the blessed Lord writes the glorious substance of every divine law in the hearts of his people, and that the covenant of works they have awfully…
Think Before Acting
September 7, 1831 My dear William Tiptaft,—I trust you will deliberate much and long, and seek much the direction of the Spirit, before you venture on the step you meditate of resigning your living. You are placed in a very important station, and, according to your own testimony, have many opportunities of usefulness. You say your congregation is undiminished, that many come to hear you from distant parts, and that you have many spiritual hearers. You have no wish to remain for the sake of the 'loaves and fish', and would willingly give up your house and furniture and live in any obscure place that you might be placed in. All those who have left the Church agree in this, that a man should have…
Children Of Light
A Sermon Preached By John Booth At Providence Chapel, Croydon, On February 15th, 1903. "That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world."—Philippians 2:15 I suppose we may speak of Divine evidences proving regeneration as of a twofold nature: 1. Internal, those that are felt. 2. External, those that are seen. As the external can be counterfeited, it is best to take the internal first. We may weep (and I love a soft heart), but Esau wept. We may have much zeal for the truth and God's cause, as Jehu had; but let us not take it as an evidence of grace. We…