Often Do I Seriously Doubt Whether I Was Ever Converted At All
February 1, 1834 My dear Joseph Parry,—I have been partly prevented from answering your letter earlier by a painful inflammation of the eyes, which has been upon me this last fortnight, off and on, and is not yet subsided. I could wish I could give a more satisfactory answer to it than I fear you will find this to be. But my own mind is very dark, and the arm of the Lord is not yet revealed to me. The affair which I communicated to you went off more quietly than I had expected. Either the bishop was not applied to, or did not think it worth while to interfere. While that matter was pending, I was quite satisfied to leave it in the hands…
The Precious Things Of Heaven
A Sermon Peached By Francis Covell On Sunday Evening, June 2nd, 1872, At Corydon "And of Joseph he said, Blessed of the LORD be his land, for the precious things of heaven, for the dew, and for the deep that coucheth beneath, and for the precious fruits brought forth by the sun, and for the precious things put forth by the moon.”—Deuteronomy 33:13,14 In the morning we took a little notice of Joseph in some of his afflictions, but we found that "out of them all the Lord delivered him,” and made His promise good concerning him, that, “All things shall work together for good to them that love God, and are the called according to his purpose;" and we noticed that the same afflictions,…
Heavenly Gifts To Victorious Saints
Preached at Eden Street Chapel, Hampstead Road, London, on Lord's Day Evening, August 30, 1846 "To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.”—Revelation 2:17 I do not know a more striking or more deeply important portion of God's Word than that which is contained in the first three chapters of the Book of Revelation. What a solemn vision was John favoured with, when the Lord of life and glory appeared unto him in the manner described in the first chapter! "And in the midst of the seven candlesticks I saw one like unto the Son of…
Building In Troublous Times
A Sermon Preached By John Booth At Providence Chapel, Croydon, On Sunday Morning, November 20th, 1904. “The street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.”—Daniel 9:25 There is no doubt at all that Daniel prayed to God on behalf of Jerusalem. It is always a trying time to God's people when they see Zion in a low place. Daniel was constrained to pour out his heart to God. While he was breathing out his prayer to the Lord, the Lord sends a man Gabriel to him about the time of the evening oblation. Among other things spoken by the angel was our text: "The street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times." If you wish to see…
Enjoy The Righteousness Of Christ
Our standing as Christians is founded upon the Lord Jesus Christ alone. We say it, we hear it, and nodding affirmatively we agree that it is true. Yet, all too often we fail to grasp the implications of this fact. All too often our actions and our attitudes, our feelings, our hopes and fears are motivated by something quite different. Instead of looking to Christ we look to ourselves. We imagine that if we could better overcome temptation we would be happier, if we could subdue our sin we would find more peace. We suspect that our interest in God’s love is hindered by our lack of faith and wonder if our conviction for sin has been deeply enough felt. So we become pre-occupied with…
Seeking God’s Will
October 11, 1833 My dear Joseph Parry,—Grace, mercy, and peace be multiplied unto you through the experimental, soul-humbling, soul-melting, soul-rejoicing knowledge of the gracious and living Immanuel. I am thankful to the God of prayer for having put a spirit of prayer into your heart for such a hard-hearted sinner as myself, as I doubt not you mingled, among your petitions for my coming among you, sundry desires for my own experimental acquaintance with divine things. I cannot, however, see my way to come among you at present, as I am still ministering to the little flock among whom I have been going in and out for some time past. My connection with the Establishment is not yet broken, but I am inclined to think…