Article 10 – Effectual Calling
Articles Of The Faith And Order Of A Primitive Or Strict And Particular Baptist Church Of The Lord Jesus Christ, Based On The Declaration Of Faith And Practice Of John Gill, D. D., 1720 X. Effectual Calling. We believe that all whom the Father chose and the Son redeemed, (and no others,) are effectually called by the Holy Ghost,[1] and that the work of regeneration, faith and conversion to God is not an act of man’s free will and natural power, but of the almighty, efficacious and invincible grace of God.[2] ------------------------------- [1] Ps 110:3; Is 43:6,13; 49:9; Ez 16:6; Jn 6:37; Acts 2:37-39; Rom 8:29,30; Gal 1:15,16; Eph 1:11; Phil 2:13; 1 Thess 1:4,5; 1 Pet 1:2,3; 2 Pet 1:2; Jude 1 [2] Ps…
Article 9 – Divine Chastisement
Articles Of The Faith And Order Of A Primitive Or Strict And Particular Baptist Church Of The Lord Jesus Christ, Based On The Declaration Of Faith And Practice Of John Gill, D. D., 1720 IX. Divine Chastisement. We believe that, though the people of God are exempted from the penal consequences of all their sins by the death of Christ, and freely forgiven all their transgressions[1] their voluntary sins after regeneration and conversion are followed by His paternal rebukes and chastenings[2] for the correction of their way wardness[3] their instruction in the truths they have disregarded or slighted[4] and the restoration of their souis.[5] ------------------------------- [1] See Article VIII. [2] 2 Sam 12:3; Ps 39:11; 89:32; 119:75; Prov 3:12; Jer 31:18-20; Mic 6:9; Mal 2:2;…
Study The Scriptures
7 Church Discipline
Every organization which proposes to work smoothly, and yet efficiently, must have certain rules and regulations to be followed; certain laws for the individual members to obey. Failing in this—either without laws or with laws disregarded— all effort will go wide of the mark, and all endeavors, instead of succeeding and furthering each other, will counteract and interrupt each other; confusion will ensue, the wisest designs be frustrated, and the best laid plans become abortive. This is true everywhere. In the State, in the family, every association whether for business, politics, scientific, literary or art research or improvement, all must be regulated by laws adopted for the common good, to which obedience is to be rendered by the members. And the object sought to be…
They Continued Steadfastly In The Apostles’ Doctrine