Sat By The Babylonian Rivers
The Lord’s Way In The Sea
This was a discovery experimentally made and feelingly expressed by David in a time of great trouble. This trouble was very complicated. We learn from the second verse of the Psalm it was bodily and painful; from the fourth, that it was accompanied by sleepless nights; from the third, that it was soul trouble, and overwhelmed his spirit; and from other verses, that it brought him to the border of despair, and led him to ask, "Will the Lord cast off for ever? and will He be favourable no more?" and other similar questions. By-and-bye he further discovered that making such petulant inquiries was an infirmity of his, and he found his mind drawn from such doleful repinings to a contemplation of God's sovereignty, in…
Peace, Be Still
These wonderful miracles of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ clearly display His eternal power and Godhead. They bear witness to who He is. But when we read them, we always need to remember that foun- dation truth: “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever” – His power the same, His love and mercy the same, His compassion the same. Mind you, it is very evident that we do not witness these remarkable outward miracles the same today, and of course there is a reason for that. In the Word of God you do not just have miracles taking place haphazardly. They are for a purpose. And you do not get miracles all the way through the Bible. You read the…
Why Do We Mourn Departed Saints
The Apostle Paul instructed the churches at Colosse to teach and admonish one another in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. And that's what I intend to do by explaining the meaning of this hymn—Why Do We Mourn Departed Saints? I like to explain the meaning of the hymn against the backdrop of the Framework of Sovereign Grace, which is God's master plan for the ages. You'll notice the hymn was written by Isaac Watts. This was an 18th century sovereign grace Congregational preacher, also known as the father of Hymnody. Now, there's three stanzas to the hymn. I’d like to read them to you.
Not Forsakem In Old Age
My dear Brother Knill, I have thought much of your kindness in sending me such a good and spiritual letter with love-token in it. I have lately had many springings up of life and streams from the River of love when I could have written and thanked you for your kindness, but my bodily infirmities and other things, too many and too peculiar to name, have hindered. It is a mercy for me the Lord has not left me to the powers of the flesh and Satan's wiles, which, at times, have been very trying. Added to this, my cold and cough, by day and night, have much tried me. I have no doubt you know something of these things. I have been unable to…
On Eagles Wings