The Lord Abiding With Us To Help And Strengthen
Surely this is one of the most beautiful chapters in the New Testament. "The Lord is risen indeed"; "Vain the stone, the watch, the seal"; and these precious appearances to these godly women and to these two on the road to Emmaus. Now beloved friends, on a number of occasions I have spoken to you from this chapter, and often I have tried to go through it and open it up. Often over the years it has been on Easter Sunday. But the way this word rests with me this evening, not so much on the truth of the resurrection, not even the glorious Person of the risen Saviour, and not these to whom He appeared, but ourselves, that this prayer might be our prayer,…
Today Shalt Thou Be With Me In Paradise
Unbelief, how great its power, how strong its influence! It would for ever blind the eyes, and harden the heart against Jesus and his grace; but ‘he shall divide the spoil with the strong.’ The prophet’s prediction is here clearly fulfilled, the sovereignty of grace is fully displayed. Our Lord’s own doctrine is truly verified in these two thieves: ‘One shall be taken, and the other left.’ Matt. 24:40. Pride is the companion of unbelief. This keeps men in obstinacy; they will not see, they will not bow to God’s sovereignty. But this is a comfortable truth to self-abased souls: God’s power is their hope. But doth our Lord bring sinners to glory without faith, repentance and holiness? Doth he leave his people in their…
Hold Thou Me Up
I have thought a lot about the preaching of the gospel and its effect, and the hearing of the gospel. In a way, it seems to me that there are two kinds of preaching. There is one which, under the Lord’s blessing, really touches our hearts, when we are enabled a little to speak of Gethsemane and Calvary, the cross of Christ, His sufferings, His matchless love, what He has done for sinners, and those can be sacred occasions. Then there are other occasions when the preaching of the Word is not just like that, when it speaks of a sinner’s present need, how he ought to behave, what he ought to do, the way he ought to walk. It seems to me that sermons…
Why Art Thou Cast Down, Oh My Soul?
We are not to expect the sunshine of joy all the way through this vale of tears. Comfortable frames and feelings, though sweet and delightful, are not always so profitable to the soul. Were we always on the mount of joy, alas, we should forget that we are strangers and pilgrims on the earth; but should be for building tabernacles of rest in a polluted place, and cry out with the highly-favoured disciples, ‘It is good for us to be here; but they knew not what they said.’ Luke 9:33. It is the glory of a Christian to live by faith on Jesus; to judge of his Saviour’s love from the word of truth, more than by sense and feeling; yea under dejection and dis…
My Soul Is Cast Down Within Me
In times of dejection and distress, the thoughts of a dear friend, who has comforted us in times past, tend to alleviate the mind. If we are assured of his love to us, we question not his readiness to assist us. So under the affecting loss of a dear brother, Martha addresses the Saviour, “Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died.” John 11:21 Inexpressible blessedness, to live in a holy familiarity with the God of love! How simple are David’s words, how freely doth he pour out his complaints, and tell God of his sorrows! Though his soul was bowed down within him, heaviness of mind beset him, the sweet sunshine of joy was overcast by the dark cloud of sorrow,…
God Disciplines By Affliction For Our Profit And His Glory
Sin, though atoned for by the blood of Jesus, and through the faith of this the soul be made holy and happy, yet it still dwells in us. Hence all our griefs, our sufferings, our wretchedness. God’s judgments are sometimes secret, always just, ever in love to his own. Misery would never afflict us, if sin did not infect us. A good instrument may be out of tune; the hand of a skilful musician is necessary to set it, and display its harmony and sound. God disciplines by afflictions for our profit and his glory. The faith, patience, and valour of God’s soldiers are best known in times of exercise: then how animating to view the love, and trust to the faithfulness of a covenant…