• Thomas Voysey

    Cheering Words For Anxious Enquirers

    My DEAR FRIEND,—It is with mingled feelings of pleasure, regret, and shame I take my pen in hand to address you.  I.—Pleasure in again perusing your letter of solemn, holy, pleasurable solemn tidings. If the dear lady of whose sudden decease you wrote me was prepared, as you have reason to believe, was it not pleasure to her to be beckoned to those "eternal mansions," to be  "Free from the approaches of decay,  Or the least shadow of a spot"? Yet it is solemn to those left behind. The voice seems to say, "Be ye also ready." I was pleased with your epistle on her account, and I trust thankful for the grace displayed in her; but I was also pleased in seeing that Satan…

  • Gerald Buss

    Though He Slay Me, Yet Will I Trust In Him

    These may seem extreme words from the mouth and the lips of God’s servant Job, yet they are very true words. As the Lord may give grace so to do, our text may be looked at in many ways to prove that, in one way and another, this is the experience of all God’s children in the way of faith. To understand Job’s path, we have to understand that Job had a great privilege. I am not speaking about the days of prosperity that preceded his troubles, nor even perhaps the prosperity that succeeded them, but the fact that he was appointed by God to be on the front line of the battleground between Christ and Satan. Job’s heart and Job’s life was to be…

  • Gerald Buss

    He Shall Send His Angel Before Thee

    “He” – that is the Lord God of heaven – “shall send His angel before thee.” And it was that which made the way prosperous for Eliezer in this vital matter which lay upon his shoulders to perform. In the Garden of Eden, the Lord God Almighty instituted three ordinances which are to be observed to the end of time. And, although man has marred them, they are still there as God’s commands. The first is the Sabbath day. “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.” Although since New Testament times the Sabbath now is the first day of the week, the day our Lord arose; the principle is yet the same. One day in seven belongs to the Lord. It is for our…

  • Gerald Buss

    And Thou, My Lord, O King, The Eyes Of All Israel Are Upon Thee

    The circumstances around these words I have read are very instructive, and, in some respects, very sad. King David was on his death bed. A few days after this, he was called from time into eternity; his journey done. Like the Apostle Paul, David could say: “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, shall give me at that day.” But, the question arose: who should succeed King David on the throne? He had several sons, and it was no doubt a question among the family as to who should be the successor. But, God had already told David who…

  • Septimus Sears

    The Saviour’s Intercession And The Stranger’s Prayer

    These words form a part of Solomon's prayer at the dedication of the temple, which he built according to God's promise to David, and by divine direction. Solomon was a lively type of the Lord Jesus. His very name is blessedly applicable to Christ—the word "Solomon” signifying peaceable, perfect, or who recompenses. And truly Jesus is peaceable; His errand to earth was an errand of "peace" (Luke 2:14). He is emphatically called "our peace” (Eph. 2:14). The covenant of which He is the Surety is designated a "covenant of peace” (Isa. 54:10); the legacy He has bequeathed to His people is a legacy of "peace" (John 14:27). What a mercy for those who can truly say of Him, "He is our peace”! All of us…

  • Gerald Buss

    But He Giveth More Grace

    Martin Luther said that the Epistle of James was the ‘Epistle of Straw.’ In other words, it was not very comfortable to lay down upon. This is true. If you read this epistle from beginning to end, it has some very sharp and pointed things to say about man’s fallen nature, and about those dispositions that fallen nature displays. And, there is not a child of God who is awake to the things of God but will read through the Epistle of James and find those things that condemn and convince him or her of sin. That does not mean we should not read it; it is all the more reason we should read it. “Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me,…