How Fair Is Thy Love
This Song is called the "Song of Songs," and we may indeed say it is the very best, for in it the Son of God has, as it were, opened all His heart, told us all His thoughts, and made known His mind and will. In it we may read of His delight in His poor people, and such things has He said in it to them that, unless He had said it, we could not have believed it. "It is too good," we should have said, "to be true;" but He makes us believe it by speaking to our heart, and this brings us to say, "Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift.'' "Thou hast ravished My heart, My sister, My spouse." When?…
Bless The Lord, O My Soul!
Bless The Lord, O My Soul!” Unto thee, O God, I look; upon thee I call; thou art the refuge of my soul, and in thee alone my soul makes her boast and trusts. Thou art the strength of my life and my hope, from my youth till my old age; for thou didst have mercy upon me, and pardon all my sins, and reveal thy Son in me as thy salvation unto his people and my Redeemer, my life, my righteousness and my glory. Thou, O God, hast given me to rejoice in his name, and he is become my salvation. Yea, I am complete in him in whom all fullness dwells, and with him thou hast freely given me all things. O, my…
The Comfort Of The Scriptures In The Trial Of Faith
Dear Children Of God: – The holy Scriptures are a divine store-house of heavenly treasures and a pure fountain of spiritual health and peace, but the Prince of the house of David has the keys, and he must set before us an open door. But he first prepares the Souls of his saints for the things which God hath prepared for them that love him, and then he opens to them the sealed fountain of his love. The Lord does this in the way that nature would not choose, and that man’s wisdom would refuse as impossible. For the way of the Lord of life and peace is through fiery trials and great tribulations. His word to us is, “I have chosen thee in the…
Patient In Tribulation
Paul, the inspired, wrote wonderful truths relating to our salvation, in the fifth chapter of Romans, as also in (1 Cor 15), the two embracing the same central truths of sin and salvation, death and life, by Adam and by Christ, as representing sinners justly condemned in Adam, and the same sinners freely justified in Christ. Herein is revealed the whole fullness of the gospel of salvation. In this gospel the man Adam is embraced as the sinner saved, and the man Christ as the Savior. “By man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead.” Sin brought death to men; righteousness brings life to men. Sin and death are by the one-man Adam, unto all men in him; righteousness and life…
It Is Nothing With Thee To Help
By all the operations of God—the application of his law to the conscience —the revelation of Christ in the Gospel—the work of the Holy Ghost in the hearts of his people-—and by all the mysteries of providence, the trials of faith and patience, the inward warfare, the combined efforts of Satan, and the persecuting spirit of the world in opposing the elect of God—we are taught experimentally our own insufficiency even to think or to do any thing good of ourselves.—(John 15:5. 2 Cor. 3:5.) And all who are born again, and taught by the Holy Spirit their own helplessness, do cry from felt necessity, “Lord, help me,” (Mat. 15:35); “My strength faileth because of mine iniquity,” (Ps. 31:10); “We have no might against this…
Ten Reasons To Rejoice