David And Goliath
Sometimes we wake up in the morning. We have not the slightest idea what may take place during the day. I am sure all of you have had that experience. Sometimes you have woken up happily – everything seems to be going right – and then there is some news, or there is a tragedy, or there is a bereavement, or there is an affliction. Then sometimes it is completely the other way round. You perhaps wake up. You think the day is going to go on as every other day, and you get a phone call, or a letter, or an invitation, perhaps a very pleasant one, and your life is never the same again. Now beloved friends, that is exactly what it was…
Behold, There Ariseth A Little Cloud Out Of The Sea, Like A Man’s Hand
What a remarkable man, by grace and grace alone, was Elijah the Tishbite! This man had the immediate ear of almighty God in two ways. First, he had His ear as a hearer. Often the Word of the Lord came to Elijah and immediately the dear man obeyed. Friends, where does that leave you and me? The Word of the Lord came to Elijah, and he goes to Cherith. The Word of the Lord comes again to him, and he goes to Zarephath. Again, and again we find that expression: “the Word of the Lord came to Elijah,” and the dear man of God obeys. Now, if you have the same grace that Elijah had, there will be that in you that will also seek…
Elijah: A Man Subject To Like Passions As We Are
With the Lord’s help this evening I want to speak to you about this very prominent man in Scripture, Elijah. A man spoken of in the epistle of James, towards the end of God’s holy word, which is the last mention of him, he said, ‘Elijah was a man of like passions as we are’. That might be perhaps the title: ‘Elijah, the man of like passions as we are’. But James goes on to tell us, that though he was a man of like passions as we are, he had a wonderful gift, a gift that is given to all of God’s people in measure, but to him in great measure, the gift of prayer. If ever a man knew what wrestling prayer was,…
I Am Continually With Thee
Hold Thou Me Up
The Unsearchable Riches Of Christ
The Apostle Paul was writing from the city of Rome, where he had been taken a prisoner. It was a very strange but a clear connection that he was found to be a prisoner with an Ephesian. When Paul had come to Jerusalem (he knew in his heart that there was great trouble awaiting him), he took into the temple a man called Trophimus. You can read of this is the Acts of the Apostles. Trophimus was an Ephesian, and the Jews accused Paul of taking him into that part of Temple that only belonged to the Jews. The Gentiles were not allowed to pass through it. This was erroneous; Paul had not done that but was accused of it. In the tumult that followed,…