Other Evidence Of Regeneration
This sermon addresses the following points: • The twofold nature of hardships encountered by regenerate sinners as they journey through this world as strangers and as pilgrims—persecution and tribulation • Tracing these hardships to the experience of Adam and Eve, recorded in Genesis 3 • Distinguishing between persecution and tribulation • Highlighting the fourfold strategy of Cain which led to the martyrdom of Abel • Vindicating Abel, when he conversed with Cain, by explaining the difference between separation and isolation • Showing the first, second and third “deaths” recorded in Scripture • Explaining why Abel was the first Christian martyr, rather than the Evangelist Stephen • Pointing out some of the similarities between the testimonies of Abel and Stephen • Highlighting the various types of…
Further Evidence Of Regeneration
This sermon addresses the following points: • Abel was one of God’s elect people, evidenced by his experience of the new birth, the inner witness of the Holy Spirit, the exercise of saving faith in the redemptive work of Christ, living as a stranger and a pilgrim and encountering conflict with Cain • There are three aspects to Abel’s conflict with Cain—First, it implied he was in fellowship with God’s people; Second, it led to persecution for the testimony of Christ; Third, it was reflective of the enmity between the old and new natures • The essential promotion of social liberty among people with opposing views • The important principle of regenerate sinners separating themselves from the ungodly • The spiritual disposition of regenerate sinners…
More Evidence Of Regeneration
This sermon addresses the following points: • Abel was one of God’s elect people • Abel knew he was one of God’s elect people because he had been born again • Abel knew he had been born again because the Spirit of God bore witness with his spirit that he was a child of God • Abel knew he had been born again because he exercised saving faith in the redemptive work of Christ • Abel knew he had been born again because he lived as a stranger and a pilgrim on the earth • Distinguishing between the career paths of Cain and Abel, showing how farming was linked with false religion, whereas shepherding was linked with true religion • Tracing these career paths to…
Evidence Of Regeneration
How Do I Know I Am God’s Elect?
This sermon addresses the following points: • The sinner cannot know he/she is numbered among God’s elect people based on outward signs, religious acts or advanced education • The meaning of “vessels of gold and silver” referenced by the Apostle Paul in 2 Timothy 2:20 • The meaning of regeneration • An explanation of Christ’s analogy of the new birth, as referenced in John 3:1-8 • An explanation of Christ’s analogy of the engrafted branch, as referenced in John 15:5 • The leading evidence that a sinner has been regenerated • An explanation of the Spirit bearing witness with the sinner’s spirit, that he/she is a child of God, as referenced in Romans 8:16 • An explanation of God sending forth the Spirit into the…
We Believe And Are Sure