• John Booth Sermons

    A Never-Failing Seed

    Preached At Providence Chapel, Croydon, On November 26th, 1902 " A seed shall serve Him; it shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation. They shall come, and shall declare His righteousness unto a people that shall be born, that He hath done this."—Psalm 22:30,31It is quite possible that every one of us here firmly believes that "a seed shall serve Him"; and because of that we have been exercised as to the advisability of taking this text. We want something to feed upon; we want to find the water of life, we want to find manna in the wilderness. We know that God can make His doctrines hidden manna and strong meat, and the wine of the gospel to our souls. We want…

  • Jared Smith's Sermons

    Closing Evidence Of Regeneration

    This sermon addresses the following points: • Linking the enmity between the seed of Satan and that of the woman (Genesis 3), with the enmity between the old and new natures residing in the soul of a regenerate sinner • Distinguishing between the first and second births, as expounded by Christ in John 3 • Examining the origin and nature of the first birth—Genesis 1 and 2, Psalm 51, Jeremiah 17, Matthew 15, Galatians 5, Romans 7 and 8, John 6 • Examining the origin and nature of the second birth—Ephesians 2 and 4, John 15, 1 John 3 • Showing the distinction between the old and new natures • Pointing out the delusion and false profession of unregenerate sinners when they fail to distinguish…

  • Jared Smith's Sermons

    Additional Evidence Of Regeneration

    This sermon addresses the following points: • Defining the spiritual fruit of patience—“the ability to wait upon the Lord with the confidence that He providentially governs the course of history according to His eternal decree” • Explaining the definition of patience with a five-part and two-part outline • Diagraming the definition of patience according to the framework of sovereign grace • Showing the relationship between the eternal decree of God and His providential governance • Overlaying the framework of God’s eternal decree and providential governance, with a selection of texts—Psalm 33, 115, 135; Isaiah 46; Daniel 4; Acts 15; Ephesians 1; Romans 8; Ecclesiastes 3 • Connecting the framework of God’s eternal decree and providential governance with the ability to wait upon Him with confidence,…

  • Jared Smith's Sermons

    Another Evidence Of Regeneration

    This sermon addresses the following points: • Tracing the origin of tribulation to Adam and Eve in Genesis 3 • Describing the nature of tribulation with reference to its many forms • Exploring the meaning of ‘afflictions’ in Psalm 34 • Connecting these ‘afflictions’ with the ‘evil’ mentioned in Matthew 6 • Connecting these ‘afflictions’ and the ‘evil’ with the ‘affliction’ mentioned in James 1 • Tying these ‘afflictions’ and the ‘evil’ together with the ‘persecution’ and ‘tribulation’ mentioned in Romans 8 • Affirming the security of the regenerate sinner’s salvation • Explaining the significance of a threefold cord with reference to eternal security (Ecclesiastes 4) • Explaining the significance of the Father’s hand, the Son’s hand and the Spirit’s hand, with reference to eternal…