• Robert Hawker's Poor Man's Morning Portions

    May 12—Morning Devotion

    "Then saith he to Thomas, reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side; and be not faithless, but believing."—John 20:27 Was Jesus willing to have his wounds searched, than his unbelieving disciple should go unconvinced? Look, then, my soul, at Jesus, and he will grant thee a suitable testimony, to hush all thy remaining doubts, if so be after such manifestations of grace as he hath shewn thee, there be a single doubt left behind. Doth not Jesus, in effect, say, in every renewed ordinance, reach hither thy finger, thrust in thine hand, and the precious blood thou needest shall flow; for the fountain for sin, for uncleanness, for unbelief, and, in short, for…

  • Robert Hawker's Poor Man's Morning Portions

    May 5—Morning Devotion

    "Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me?"—John 14:10 My soul, thou wilt never sufficiently contemplate this blessed oneness between the Father and the Son, in the great work and glory of redemption. Pause this morning, and observe for the confirmation of thy faith, that as Jesus is one with the Father in all the essence and attributes of the Godhead, so God the Father is one with Jesus. in all the offices of redemption. God was in Christ's human nature; for he is said to have been "God manifest in the flesh." God was in every name of Christ, every work of Christ, every word of Christ, every office of Christ, every attribute of Christ. And hence, in…

  • Jared Smith's Hymn Studies,  John Newton Hymn Studies

    Let Us Therefore Come Boldly

    Some of the points covered in this sermon: • Identifying the main structure of Hebrews 4:14-16 • Examining Paul’s purpose for writing the Epistle to the Hebrews • Explaining how the gospel of grace in the New Testament is the same gospel of grace in the Old Testament • Highlighting the three offices ordained by God to meet the sinner’s need—(1) king, to rule the sinner; (2) prophet, to represent God to the sinner; (3) priest, to represent the sinner to God • Highlighting the three parts to the office of priest • Explaining how Jesus, the Son of God, perfectly fulfills the three parts as the sinner’s great high priest • Connecting the intercession of Christ with the petitions of His people • Explaining…

  • Jared Smith's Hymn Studies,  John Newton Hymn Studies

    Could The Creatures Help Or Ease Us

    Some of the points covered in this sermon: • This hymn speaks about the indispensable duty and exceptional privilege of God’s people to petition the Lord in time of need • Explaining where the doctrine of petition fits within the framework of sovereign grace • The first stanza emphasizes the necessity of God’s people to petition the Lord—the believer is rebuked for self-sufficiency, designed to produce conviction (a wounding of the heart) • The first four lines of the first stanza speak about the inadequacy of helpers other than God; the last four lines speak about the folly of forgetting God • The second stanza is an encouragement for God’s people to petition the Lord—the believer is put in remembrance of God’s all-sufficiency, designed to…

  • The Gospel Standard

    Who Is A God Like Unto Our God?

    Gospel Standard Magazine No. 237 — September 1, 1855 —Vol. 21, Pages 283,284 Dear Friend,—I was glad to hear from you and learn something of your estate: to hear that the good hand of the Lord was upon you as well as upon many others of the chosen race, the instructed, corrected, and quickened family of the Almighty. I am tolerably well, better than I deserve to be. I am a great debtor to the great Creditor, and have no hope to stand before him with acceptance only in and through the great Surety and his great and all-sufficient satisfaction, and receive a forgiveness of all my debts out of the love and mercy of the Creditor and Surety, revealed, brought home and applied unto…