Chapter 8: Literature
"Cast thy bread upon the waters; for thou shalt find it after many days."—Ecclesiastes 11:1 The literature of the past century, expository of the distinctive truths of the Gospel, has been of singular value; and whilst it lacks the massiveness and majesty of the doctrinal Puritans and the beauty and power of others, it is adapted to the period in which we live, for it translates with unction and scripturalness immortal truths into the language of the day. The works of Huntington, already referred to, have become Christian classics amongst us, and few gracious readers can peruse his "Contemplations on the God of Israel," or his "Posthumous Letters," without being stirred and edified. Mr. Philpot's writings have also been named; they will endure as long…
Chapter 9: The Future
"Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another, and the Lord hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon His Name."—Malachi 3:16 Neither Luther or Calvin held those shallow Pelagian views, now so common, of a gradual amelioration and Christianising of the world. Calvin writes, "It is a superstition to think that the world is improving in religion and morality. It is not improving but it is always going back." Luther says, "I know that the world is becoming epicurean; that is to say, they will lose faith in God and immortality, and give themselves up to the pleasures of the things of this world, and then…
William Gadsby’s Selection of Hymns
A lecture by Dr. Matthew Hyde on the significance and influence of William Gadsby's Selection of Hymns. Dr. Hyde was invited to deliver his remarks by the Strict Baptist Historical Society, at their annual meeting, held on the 21 March 2014.
1. God In Our Nature
“God with us.”—Matthew 1:23 There will be such a mystery unfolded, in “God in our nature,” as will fill the church of God with immortal wonder for ever and ever. When Christ speaks of it, he says, “Father, I pray for them; I pray not for the world, but for them which thou has given me; for they are thine,” and “that they may be one in us.” This blessed Redeemer, this Person of the Son, takes our nature, and is “God with us.” I believe that our blessed Christ really took soul and body, the whole of humanity. He was “God with us” in his weakness; “God with us” in his conflicts; “God with us” in his victories; “God with us” in his exaltation;…
6. Going From Jerusalem To Jericho
“A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves.”—Luke 10:30-35 The circumstance which led to this parable was, a certain lawyer going to Christ, and asking him what he must do to inherit eternal fife. A principle of having something to merit life is in our very nature. Thousands ask what they are to do, and promise but never fairly start. The Jews were constantly found to promise what they would do. When God was delivering them from the hands of their enemies and supplying them with food from heaven, “O,” said they, “all that the Lord hath commanded will we do;” but they never fulfilled their promise. Perhaps some of you in this congregation, when there has been some affliction…
11. The Love Of God
“Because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.”—Romans 5:5 A Sermon Preached By William Gadsby, July 3rd, 1836. The love of God! Whenever we venture on a subject of such importance, we venture on a profound deep. There is a love which God, as the God of nature, bears to creation as the work of his own hands; for he saw that it was very good. But the love of God, as shed abroad in the heart of a believer, as far exceeds it as heaven exceeds earth. God's love, as a covenant God, the love of each glorious Person in the Trinity, was fixed on his people, without any reason assigned for…