Hard Work Made Easy
Dear Friend,—Yours came to hand, and I have just time to say that I intend, God willing, to be at P. on September 21st, and if I can be conveyed from there to G. on October 1st, I will very gladly come; but I must be at L. the day following. I dare not attempt to preach more than three times in the week days,[1] as too much exertion brings the jaundice upon me; so I am obliged to preach less, or lay myself upon the shelf. No thanks to me; for when I enjoy my dear Lord in his work, it is sweet employment indeed; but when Christ is not enjoyed, it is very hard work. Indeed, I do not find any work but…
Some of the points covered in this sermon: • Reviewing the definition for the Greek verb, katartizō, and the four ways it is used in the New Testament • Showing how the verb is used with reference to “maturing something that is undeveloped” • First, the maturing of a student—Luke 16:40 • Second, the maturing of spiritual life—1 Peter 5:10 • Third, the maturing of spiritual fruit—1 Thessalonians 3:10 • Fourth, the maturing of good works—Hebrews 13:21
This God Is Our God Forever And Ever
Dear Brother (Martin) in the glorious Lord of Zion,—It appears the Lord has thought good to deprive you of your natural sight, which is a painful affliction; but, adored be his gracious name, he gives you the sweet enjoyment of the true Light. This, my dear brother, is more prizable than all creation put together. What an indescribable blessing it is that such filthy creatures as we are by nature should be brought, under the glorious unction of God the Holy Ghost, to feel and see that the Lord is our portion, our life, light, bliss, and blessedness; yea, our ever-to-be-adored covenant God for ever and ever; and that, by a matchless gift of eternal electing love and grace, he has made himself over to…
No More Sea (1/2)
A Sermon Preached By Walter Brooke On Lord’s Day Morning, May 5th, 1907 "And there was no more sea."—Revelation 21:1 I always feel an increased need to ask for special wisdom whenever I approach this book of the Revelation to use it as the basis of spiritual meditation. And I suppose we have been not a little perplexed by the conflicting representations that we have heard in our day and generation of its meaning, and of the various modes of interpretation men have used in reference to fixing the times therein spoken of. Many mistakes have been made, many miscalculations; and those of the Lord's living family who have a real respect for the divine oracles say, "It is too perplexing a theme for us,…
No More Sea (2/2)
A Sermon Preached By Walter Brooke On Lord’s Day Evening, May 5th, 1907 "And there was no more sea."—Revelation 21:1 In any remarks I made this morning respecting the conflicting opinions of men, I did not for one moment cast any uncharitable reflections upon honest efforts to obtain a clue to the exposition of those wonderful symbols given in the book of the Revelation as regards the Church's passage through her state of trial and toil to her eventual triumph in her Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. It would be very unbecoming of me to do so. But I do say this, that it needs much heavenly wisdom and divine understanding to come to conclusions as it regards the times that are therein mentioned. You…
Some of the points covered in this sermon: • Highling the five names prophesied by Isaiah (9:6) which belong to Christ • Explaining the meaning of the term “wonderful” • Showing how the Hebrew term translated “wonderful” is used in the Old Testament • The first time the term appears is Exodus 15, with reference to God parting the Red Sea • The second time the term appears is Psalm 77, with reference to Asaph’s personal experiences with the Lord • Making an application of the “wonderful” works of the Lord as it relates to the lives of His people today • Showing two meanings for the term “wonderful”, as it is designated a name of Christ in Isaiah 9:6 • First, the term may stand…