• Peter Meney on Practical Matters

    The Lord Thinks About Me

    The Lord’s people are a poor people. God keeps us poor out of mercy and love for He knows if we become rich in the riches of this world our confidence will rest not upon Him and His lovingkindness, but upon our mistaken estimation of our own self-worth. The Lord’s people are a needy people. True, He supplies all our needs, according to His riches, yet manna-like His supplies are sufficient only for the day and must be refreshed, restored and renewed every morning. So the Lord would have His people return to Him frequently, call upon Him often, and forget not all His benefits. Poor and needy as His little ones are, here, too, is a marvellous truth. The Lord thinks upon us. David…

  • John M'Kenzie Sermons

    The Covenant God Of Israel

    A Sermon Preached By John M’Kenzie At Providence Chapel, Eden St, Hampstead Rd, on Lord’s Day morning, August 15th, 1847 “O Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Jacob, our fathers; keep this for ever in the imagination of the thoughts of the heart of thy people; and prepare their heart unto thee.”—1 Chronicles 29:18 The preaching of the gospel of Christ is one of the greatest blessings which God confers upon the church, next to the gift of the beloved Son and the Scriptures; because it pleaseth God “by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.” When I say preaching, I mean such as God alone sends and blesses to the salvation of souls, and the glory of his own name. Where…

  • Peter Meney on Doctrinal Matters

    Sovereign Grace Is The Gospel

    Let us state clearly our understanding of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. The gospel is the message of God’s love and saving grace to particular sinners by the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the Godman. Where there is no preaching of substitutionary atonement, suretyship and representation of sinners by the Lord Jesus Christ, there is no gospel. Salvation is a completed work, accomplished upon the cross, sure and certain for every adopted child of God. If sinners are required to do something to activate, apply or secure the benefits of Christ’s work, there is no gospel and our Saviour’s dying testimony “It is finished” is bereft of all meaning. If Christ’s work is offered conditionally to all (“Christ will if you will”) implying…

  • William Gadsby's Letters (Complete)

    Ministry Blessed

    My dear Friend,—Yours came to hand, and I was glad to hear from you. I wish to feel thankful that the Lord makes my poor ministry a blessing to your soul; but I really cannot feel thankful for any mercy except the Lord bless me with a grateful heart. In self and of self, I am one of the most wretched beings, and often wonder what I am living for. And yet, strange to tell, the Lord now and then shines into my dark mind, and gives me a glimpse of his glory. And when such poor polluted worms are enabled to arise and shine in the glory of the Lord, and appear in his beauty, it is confounding to reason, and fills the soul…

  • William Tiptaft's Letters

    The Learned And Great Find The Doctrines Of Grace Great Foolishness

    October 28th, 1830 My dear Brother, I arrived safely at Sutton on the Saturday afternoon. I saw Mr. de Merveilleux, and had a little conversation with him. I believe him to be a lover of gospel truth, and I hope that you will call upon him when you go to Stamford. I met a few friends at his house, and spoke a few words to them. They seemed very desirous to hear, and, I trust, are spiritually hungering after the bread of life. My friend Philpot is ill, and not able to preach. He is coming to see me next week. He is a dear child of God. I shall be glad to hear in your next letter what advances you are making in religion.…