Psalm Of Praise
Christ Came To Save
The Cause Of True Religion
March 30, 1835. My dear sister Fanny,—The tidings I am about to communicate may concern you more than surprise you. After many trials of mind about it, I have come to the resolution of seceding from the Church of England. In fact I have already resigned my curacy, and shall, in a day or two, give up my Fellowship. I could have wished to have retained my income and independence, but, as I could not do so with a good conscience, I was compelled to give it up. The errors and corruptions of the Church of England are so great and numerous that a man, with a conscience made tender by the blessed Spirit, cannot, after a certain time, remain within her pale. And though…
Asking, Seeking, Knocking
“Easy” Misses The Point
Do you ever feel there is more to the gospel than most people make out? Someone says, “The gospel is easy, all you have to do is believe”. Well that sounds easy. What do I have to believe? “Oh, just believe that Jesus died.” H-okay. Everyone dies – so that’s not hard to believe. Does that make me a Christian? “Well no, you have to believe He rose again from the dead, as well”. Okay. I can do that. Right, done. “And that He went to heaven. And that He is coming back.” Okay. Anything else? “Well, you must believe in God and believe you’re a sinner.” “And you have to worship, and trust in the blood, and get baptised.” “You have to repent and…
That I Might Know Him