Sing To My Wellbeloved
Sing To My Wellbeloved
It may seem strange to say but even as the Lord pronounces judgment there is grace in His words. The very act of telling guilty people of impending destruction is an act of mercy by God when rightly perceived and acted upon. When the Lord takes time to condemn sin He is not only demonstrating holiness but patience and longsuffering as well. He is supplying a space for grace and an opportunity to repent. A sad song Tomorrow’s passage begins in the form of a song. In it we have an Old Testament parable about a vineyard. Later there is a series of six woes spoken against the iniquity of Jerusalem and Judah which the prophet expands on. Perhaps we wonder what continuing relevance exists…
They Continued Steadfastly In The Apostles’ Doctrine
The Branch Beautiful And Glorious
The Branch Beautiful And Glorious
Isaiah’s prophecy is full of the prophet looking forward to this gospel age in which we live. He calls it ‘the last days’ and ‘the coming day of the Lord’. In today’s passage we continue to dwell on his gospel theme. Seven times in these first few chapters Isaiah begins with, ‘In that day’. He was speaking to the elect of his day; encouraging them with visions of our day and its gospel successes. The Lord used the gospel’s power and expansion in our day to comfort downtrodden believers of past ages. Christ set forth By this vision the Holy Spirit enlarged and enriched the understanding of the Old Testament church concerning the coming Messiah and His work to redeem His people from their sin.…
The Chief Cornerstone