March 25—Morning Devotion
"The mercy promised."—Luke 1:72 "The mercy promised!" Why, God graciously promised many mercies, and most faithfully and fully performed them. Yes! every thing out of hell may well be called a mercy. Every child of Adam beareth about with him, day by day, tokens of God's mercy. The air we breathe, the garments we put on, the food we eat; all the comforts, conveniences, enjoyments of life; these are all mercies. But none of these are what the sweet portion of the morning points at. It is here a particular, a Special, one specific mercy. And who can this mean, my soul, but Jesus, thy Jesus? - He is, indeed, "the mercy promised," the first mercy, the first promise; the first, best, and comprehensive gift…
Book 2: Chapter 9, Christ, Though Known To The Jews Under The Law, Yet Only Manifested Under The Gospel
There are three principal heads in this chapter. I. Preparatory to a consideration of the knowledge of Christ, and the benefits procured by him; the 1st and 2nd sections are occupied with the dispensation of this knowledge, which, after the manifestation of Christ in the flesh, was more clearly revealed than under the Law. II. A refutation of the profane dream of Servetus, that the promises are entirely abrogated, sec. 3. Likewise, a refutation of those who do not properly compare the Law with the Gospel, sec. 4. III. A necessary and brief exposition of the ministry of John Baptist, which occupies an intermediate place between the law and the Gospel. Sections. 1. The holy fathers under the Law saw the day of Christ, though…
Here Am I; Send Me
Here Am I; Send Me
The sixth chapter of Isaiah has long been admired for the grandeur of the vision it contains of the Lord’s divine glory. For Christians, Isaiah reveals much of Christ and His successful work of atonement. It is Christ who is seated on the throne and the church is His train. The Lord God Jehovah in His three persons is also evident, implied perhaps, in the threefold repetition of ‘Holy’ by the worshipping heavenly host. Only one priest and king Isaiah supplies a precise date for this vision. It was in the year king Uzziah died. Uzziah had been a successful king in Judah and the nation prospered while he was faithful to Jehovah, and ‘did that which was right in the sight of the Lord’,…
March 16—Morning Devotion
"The man will not be in rest, until he have finished the thing this day."—Ruth 3:18 Behold! my soul, in this scripture history, some sweet features by which the disposition of Jesus's love, and the earnestness in his heart to relieve poor sinners, is strikingly set forth. When a poor sinner is made acquainted with the Lord Jesus, hath heard of his grace, goes forth to glean in his fields; at the ordinances of his house, and under the ministration of his word, lays down at his feet, and prays to be covered with the skirt of his mantle; Jesus not only takes notice of that poor seeking sinner, but gives the poor creature to know, by some sweet and secret whispers of his Holy…