1 Corinthians: Chapter 2, Verse 11
“For what man knoweth the things of a man, etc.]” The thoughts of a man’s heart, the conceptions of his mind, the schemes he is drawing there, his designs, purposes, and intentions; these can never be known by another man, no, nor by angels or devils; not by any creature; by none “save the spirit of a man which is in him?” Which is only conscious to, and can only make known the things that are in him: “even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God;” And which, as it proves how secret, hidden, unknown, the mysteries of grace are, until revealed by the Spirit; so it gives full evidence to the deity of the Holy Ghost, and clearly…
1 Corinthians: Chapter 2, Verse 10
“But God hath revealed them unto us, etc.]” Should it be said, that since this wisdom is so hidden and mysterious, the doctrines of the Gospel are so unknown, so much out of the sight and understanding of men, how come any to be acquainted with them? The answer is ready, God has made a revelation of them, not only in his word, which is common to men, nor only to his ministers, but to private Christians and believers, “by his Spirit;” Which designs not the external revelation made in the Scriptures, though that also is by the Spirit; but the internal revelation and application of the truths of the Gospel to the souls of men, which is sometimes ascribed to the Father of Christ.…
Book 2: Chapter 14, How Two Natures Constitute The Person Of The Mediator
This chapter contains two principal heads: I. A brief exposition of the doctrine of Christ’s two natures in one person, sec. 1–4. II. A refutation of the heresies of Servetus, which destroy the distinction of natures in Christ, and the eternity of the divine nature of the Son. Sections. 1. Proof of two natures in Christ—a human and a divine. Illustrated by analogy, from the union of body and soul. Illustration applied. 2. Proof from passages of Scripture which distinguish between the two natures. Proof from the communication of properties. 3. Proof from passages showing the union of both natures. A rule to be observed in this discussion. 4. Utility and use of the doctrine concerning the two natures. The Nestorians. The Eutychians. Both justly…
The Life And Ministry Of John Piper
The testimony of John Piper’s life and ministry is recorded in the Earthen Vessel (1888). On pages 264 and 331, we are given the following account of his life: “To The Editor.—Dear Sir,—I will (D.V.) forward you particulars of the late Mr. Piper’s call by grace, voyage to this country, &c., which I received from his lips when spending an hour or two at his house. They made a deep impression upon my mind, and may be very interesting to your readers. Yours sincerely, W. Paul. 191 Shakespeare-road, Herne Hill, S.E." Some Account Of The Call By Grace, Ministry, And Voyage To England Of The Late Mr. John Piper, Of Demerara. By W. Paul, of Herne Hill Mr. Piper was endowed with a largely developed…
May 24—Morning Devotion
"Then ceased the work of the house of God."—Ezra 4:24 Ah, how distressed was Zion, when this decree took place; and yet the history of the church plainly proves that the hand of the Lord was in it. My soul, are thine exercises sometimes similar? Doth it seem to thee, as if the work of God in thee was at a stand? Nay, as if it was totally over? Pause, recollect there is a set time to favour Zion. Thy Jesus is of one mind, and who can turn him? He is everlastingly pursuing the designs of his love. And as Zion was graven upon the palms of his hands, and her walls were continually before him, when she appeared in her most desolate circumstances;…
1 Corinthians: Chapter 2, Verse 9
“But as it is written, etc.]” Not in an apocryphal book, called the Apocalypse of Elijah the prophet, as some have thought, but in (Isaiah 64:4) with some variation; and is brought to prove that the Gospel is mysterious and hidden wisdom, unknown to the princes of this world, and ordained before the world was, for the glory of the saints: for the following words are not to be understood of the glories and happiness of the future state; though they are indeed invisible, unheard of, and inconceivable as to the excellency and fulness of them, and are what God has prepared from all eternity, for all those on whom he bestows his grace here; but of the doctrines of grace, and mysteries of the…