• Mrs. Samuel Jones

    The Life And Ministry Of Mrs. Samuel Jones

    Mrs. Jones (relict of the late Mr. Samuel Jones, who was well known in connection with Mount Ephraim, Margate) peacefully passed away February 27, in her 79th year, at the residence of her eldest son, Bethune-road, Stoke Newington. Deceased was a noble specimen of God’s workmanship—upright gait, cheerful, bright, happy-looking Christian woman. Her pleasing countenance, always beaming with joy, gave one the impression of her being favoured with much of the Saviour's presence in her heart. In her younger days, with her husband, of blessed memory, she was favoured with the ministry of the late David Denham (by whom she was baptized) and Joseph Irons, subsequently J. A. Jones, of Jireh Chapel, in whose company and fellowship her love for the Lord Jesus Christ was…

  • Charles Buck's Theological Dictionary

    224 Heart

    Is used for the soul, and all the powers thereof; as the understanding , conscience, will, affections, and memory. The heart of man is naturally, constantly, universally, inexpressibly, openly, and evidently depraved, and inclined to evil, Jer. 17:9. It requires a divine power to renovate it, and render it susceptible of right impressions, Jer. 24:7. When thus renovated, the effects will be seen in the temper, conversation, and conduct at large. Hardness of heart is that state in which a sinner is inclined to, and actually goes on in rebellion against God. This state evidences itself by light views of the evil of sin; partial acknowledgment and confession of it; frequent commission of it; pride and conceit: ingratitude; unconcern about the word and ordinances of…

  • Jared Smith's Studies In Romans

    Study 3: Open And Secret Rebellion (1:18-3:18)

    This study considers the first main section of Paul's letter to the church at Rome. In his answer to the question, Why are sinners under the condemnation of God, the apostle distinguishes between the Jews and the Gentiles, showing why both groups are under God's wrath. Jared explains the reason for Paul distinguishing the Jews from the Gentiles, and places the whole of Paul's teachings into the context of the Framework of Sovereign Grace. 

  • Charles Buck's Theological Dictionary

    222 Soul

    SOUL That vital, immaterial, active substance, or principle, in man, whereby he perceives, remembers, reasons, and wills. It is rather to be described as to its operations, than to be defined as to its essence. Various, indeed, have been the opinions of philosophers concerning its substance. The Epicureans thought it a subtile air, composed of atoms, or primitive corpuscles. The Stoics maintained it was a flame, or portion of heavenly light. The Cartesians make thinking the essence of the soul. Some hold that man is endowed with three kinds of soul, viz. the rational, which is purely spiritual, and infused by the immediate inspiration of God: the irrational or sensitive, which being common to man and brutes, is supposed to be formed of the elements:…

  • Richard Searle

    The Life And Ministry Of Richard Searle

    An Autobiographical Sketch, "Earthen Vessel (1867)", Page 141: Dear Brother, it has been the request of some of my Christian friends for years to publish a sketch of my experience in the dealings of the Lord with me; so that when you wrote a pressing request for it after a prayerful consideration, I felt I must not deny you; therefore I take my pen, praying the Lord may make it a blessing. I was born at Bethnal Green, in the east end of London, February 23, 1812. My parents were poor, but gave me a plain education. My mother, I hope, was a godly woman, many years a member of the late R. Langford's, on the Green; but afterwards she became a Baptist, and was…