July 20—Morning Devotion
"Arise, and go down to the potter's house; and there I will cause thee to hear my words."—Jeremiah 18:2 Yes, Lord, with the first of the morning will I arise, and go down at thy command, where, by the secret and silent whispers of thy divine teaching, I may gather suitable instructions for interpreting all thy dispensations, both in providence and grace, towards me. Mark, my soul, the vessel marred in the hand of the potter. Alas, how hath our nature been marred since it came out of the hand of our Almighty Potter! Will the potter cast his vessel away? No, he will new make it. Oh thou glorious Lord! methinks I hear thy words in this, for thou hast not thrown us away,…
“God Is For Me”
Is God for me? I fear not, though all against me rise; When I call on Christ, my Saviour, the host of evil flies. My Friend—the Lord Almighty, and He who loves me—God. What enemy shall harm me, though coming as a flood?” “When I cry unto Thee, then shall mine enemies be turned back: this I know; for God is for me.”—Ps 56:9 Happy, thrice happy is the man who has the eternal God for his Refuge; under whom "the everlasting arms" are eternally placed; and who with heaven-inspired confidence can say, "God is for me." There never was a period, in duration's endless round, in which this language did not stand true, concerning the Church collectively, and every individual member of Christ's mystical…
Meribah All Over Again
Sorrow And Salvation
This blessed chapter is particularly memorable to my soul, the good Lord having applied the 3rd verse with such power to my almost distracted mind thirty-eight years ago, that I can never read, think, or preach from any part of it, without remembering that deliverance I then so visibly received from my Lord;—indeed, I find every sentence a sermon throughout this important chapter, when the Holy Spirit is pleased to open and apply it to my heart with his moving and melting influence; and do count at your leisure the number of “Thus saith the Lord” in it, which you will find amount to twenty-one, if I mistake not; confirming the promises, precepts, injunctions, and instructions it contains; shewing the loving heart of our God…
The Means Which God Hath Devised That His Banished Ones Be Not Expelled
Previously to my preaching this Sermon I had not the least intention of publishing it; but, having been requested by several friends so to do, and feeling no objection in my own mind, I have complied with that request. The substance of the observations made at the funeral of the deceased will be found embodied in the second head of the discourse, together with the further particulars then delivered; and therefore I have not thought it necessary to make any distinction between the remarks offered on those two occasions, as the one would in many respects have been a mere repetition of the other. As I am not disposed to give flattering titles unto men; so neither, upon mature reflection, am I conscious of having…
Aaron’s Rod That Budded