When The Walls Fell Down
In Quietness And Confidence
This chapter speaks of God’s displeasure toward Jews who turned to Egypt for help during the Assyrian campaign. Isaiah called the people of Judah and Jerusalem to trust the Lord but rather than retain a confidence in the Lord and seek a covering under God’s spiritual protection they placed their hope in men and in the flesh. Instead of resting in God their Saviour they tried to forge alliances and buy deliverance using their worldly wealth. Help from an old enemy? The princes and leaders of Judah sent ambassadors to Zoan and Hanes, cities in Egypt, to solicit Pharaoh’s help. As Sennacherib advanced from the north the wealthy took their riches and fled south on donkeys and camels to hide in Egypt. Isaiah labels this…
The Life And Testimony Of Catherine Overton
Catherine Overton was born at Bedworth, in the county of Warwick. Her father was Mr. Valentine Overton, Rector of Bedworth. It pleased God betimes to plant the seeds of grace in her heart, which first discovered themselves when she was about fifteen years old, at which time God discovered to her the corruption of her nature, by which a deep impression was made upon her tender years. The following narration was found in her cabinet after her decease:— "I was but young. My father, being at prayers in his family, I many times found such sweetness, and was so affected therewith that I could not but wish that my heart might oftener be in such a frame. I was convinced in my conscience that, without…
Marching Around Jericho
When A Hungry Man Dreams
Ariel is a symbolic name for Jerusalem and is drawn from a word meaning ‘lion of God’, either for strength or victory. Sometimes Ariel is applied more specifically to the altar in the temple at Jerusalem. Then the inference is that the nation’s strength flowed from the true worship of God because divine acceptance is received through blood sacrifice. These ideas combine in the Lord Jesus who is both the Lion of the tribe of Juda for strength and the altar and sacrifice who won victory for His people at the cross. The curse of hypocrisy In our verses Isaiah implies that sacrifices in Jerusalem had become mere rituals. Now they brought woe, not blessing, upon the nation because they were no longer offered to…
A Sure Foundation