On Time And Eternity
Today, men talk about salvation only as something done in the experience of time with eternal consequences. But in the Bible salvation is described as something done by God in eternity past, revealed and experienced in time, and enjoyed in eternity future. Read the Word of God, marking the verb tenses used, and you will see that salvation was accomplished for God’s elect in the covenant of grace before the world began (Romans 8:28-31; 2 Timothy 1:9; Ephesians 1:3-6). First, since it was done in eternity, it must have been done by God alone. Without our aid, cooperation, assistance, work, or even our will, God saved us. Salvation is the work of God alone. And that salvation which God gives is the salvation God performs.…
A Tale Of Two Sinners
Principles Of Divine Life
The Desire Of The Righteous
A Sermon Preached By John Kershaw At Zoar Chapel, Great Alie Street, London on November 24th, 1842 "The desire of the righteous shall be granted”—Proverbs 10:24 I shall not take up any time, my friends, by way of introduction tonight, but shall come immediately to the words of the text. And I hope and trust the Lord will be graciously pleased to assist me, I. Briefly to describe to you the character of "the righteous." And II. To take into consideration, "the desire of the righteous," which, it is said, "shall be granted." Now, in reference to the character of the righteous, I shall be very brief, as I intend to speak more at large, by the Lord's help, upon "the desire of the righteous,"…
A New Life
The Free, Eternal, Sovereign And Unalterable Love Of God
December 12, 1834. My dear Mrs. Rackham,—Having an opportunity of sending a letter to town, I avail myself of it to redeem my promise of writing to you. You are now, doubtless, thoroughly settled in your new abode, and in some measure reconciled to your mode of life. The noise and bustle of Rochester must have seemed very strange to you at first, and I dare say you have often turned in thought to your former quiet abode, where almost the only noise was from the brook that ran by your window. But if faith is in exercise, the hand of God will be seen in this change. And besides, what does it really matter where we spend the few years of our pilgrimage here…