1 Corinthians: Chapter 2, Verse 5
“That your faith should not stand, etc.]” “Or be in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God”. The Spirit of God directed him, and he under his influence chose, and by his assistance pursued this way of preaching, with this view, and for this reason, that faith in Christ, and in the doctrines of his Gospel, which comes by hearing, might not be attributed to the force of human eloquence and oratory; or stand upon so sandy a foundation, as that which might, if that was the case, be puffed away by a superior flow and force of words; but that it might be ascribed, as it ought to be, to almighty power, stand in it, be supported by it, and at…
1 Corinthians: Chapter 2, Verse 4
“And my speech, and my preaching, etc.]” As he determined, so he acted. As the subject matter of his ministry was not any of the liberal arts and sciences, or the philosophy and dry morality of the Gentiles, but salvation by a crucified Christ; so his style, his diction, his language used in preaching, “was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom;” With technical words, words of art, contrived by human wisdom to captivate the affections; and with bare probable arguments only, a show of reason to persuade the mind to an assent, when nothing solid and substantial is advanced, only a run of words artfully put together, without any strength of argument in them; a method used by the false teachers, and which the…
May 3—Morning Devotion
"Sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed, and in his right mind."—Luke 8:35 Look at this man, my soul, and see whether thou canst find any resemblance to thyself. Before that he heard the voice of Jesus, he was under the possession of the evil spirit. It is said of him, that he wore no clothes. He dwelt in no house, but abode among the tombs. He was cutting himself with stones. No man could tame him, neither fetters nor chains bind him. Poor miserable creature! And yet, my soul, was not this a true emblem of thy state; and indeed, of every man's state by nature? Had not Satan full possession of thine heart and affections, my soul, before that thou becamest savingly acquainted…
Article 10 – Effectual Calling
Articles Of The Faith And Order Of A Primitive Or Strict And Particular Baptist Church Of The Lord Jesus Christ, Based On The Declaration Of Faith And Practice Of John Gill, D. D., 1720 X. Effectual Calling. We believe that all whom the Father chose and the Son redeemed, (and no others,) are effectually called by the Holy Ghost,[1] and that the work of regeneration, faith and conversion to God is not an act of man’s free will and natural power, but of the almighty, efficacious and invincible grace of God.[2] ------------------------------- [1] Ps 110:3; Is 43:6,13; 49:9; Ez 16:6; Jn 6:37; Acts 2:37-39; Rom 8:29,30; Gal 1:15,16; Eph 1:11; Phil 2:13; 1 Thess 1:4,5; 1 Pet 1:2,3; 2 Pet 1:2; Jude 1 [2] Ps…
Article 9 – Divine Chastisement
Articles Of The Faith And Order Of A Primitive Or Strict And Particular Baptist Church Of The Lord Jesus Christ, Based On The Declaration Of Faith And Practice Of John Gill, D. D., 1720 IX. Divine Chastisement. We believe that, though the people of God are exempted from the penal consequences of all their sins by the death of Christ, and freely forgiven all their transgressions[1] their voluntary sins after regeneration and conversion are followed by His paternal rebukes and chastenings[2] for the correction of their way wardness[3] their instruction in the truths they have disregarded or slighted[4] and the restoration of their souis.[5] ------------------------------- [1] See Article VIII. [2] 2 Sam 12:3; Ps 39:11; 89:32; 119:75; Prov 3:12; Jer 31:18-20; Mic 6:9; Mal 2:2;…
Book 2: Chapter 4, How God Works In The Hearts Of Men
The leading points discussed in this chapter are, I. Whether in bad actions anything is to be attributed to God; if anything, how much. Also, what is to be attributed to the devil and to man, sec. 1–5. II. In indifferent matters, how much is to be attributed to God, and how much is left to man, sec. 6. III. Two objections refuted, sec. 7, 8. Sections. 1. Connection of this chapter with the preceding. Augustine’s similitude of a good and bad rider. Question answered in respect to the devil. 2. Question answered in respect to God and man. Example from the history of Job. The works of God distinguished from the works of Satan and wicked men. 1. By the design or end of…