Four Pictures Of The Lord Jesus Christ
The Reality Of Christ
The Lord’s Bride
The Lord's people, the church, are called his bride. Will he permit his bride to be sent to hell while he is in heaven?
The Blessedness Of An Everlasting Covenant
My dear Friends in the Lord Jesus Christ,—I received yours. The moment I read it I felt for you, and said, “How true it is that in the world we must have tribulation; but how indescribably blessed it is that in Christ we have peace!”—bless his precious name, peace with God, peace of conscience by faith in his blood and love. Here we have all things and abound; “for he that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?” Yes, my dear friends, though the world seems to frown, remember this is not your rest; and be assured, “all things are yours, for ye are Christ's, and Christ is…
God With Us
The First Sermon Preached By John E. Hazelton In Streatley Hall, March 28th, 1909 "Certainly I will be with thee.”—Exodus 3:12 Very various is the discipline, the schooling, the training through which each one of God's people may pass. I have sometimes said, and it is perfectly true, that God does not teach His people in classes, but that each one has to learn his lesson for himself. One by one are the people of God taught. How wonderful was the training of God's servant Moses for the mighty work which the Lord had allotted to him! The wonder-working hand of God in Providence is seen at the very outset of his career, when from the reedy river Moses was drawn out, and brought to…
This God Is Our God Forever And Ever
Dear Brother (Martin) in the glorious Lord of Zion,—It appears the Lord has thought good to deprive you of your natural sight, which is a painful affliction; but, adored be his gracious name, he gives you the sweet enjoyment of the true Light. This, my dear brother, is more prizable than all creation put together. What an indescribable blessing it is that such filthy creatures as we are by nature should be brought, under the glorious unction of God the Holy Ghost, to feel and see that the Lord is our portion, our life, light, bliss, and blessedness; yea, our ever-to-be-adored covenant God for ever and ever; and that, by a matchless gift of eternal electing love and grace, he has made himself over to…