March 9—Morning Devotion
"But now in Christ Jesus, ye, who sometimes were afar off, are made nigh by the blood of Christ."—Ephesians 2:13 Of all the vast alterations made upon our nature by grace, that which is from death to life seems to be the greatest. I do not think the change would be as great, if Jesus were to make a child of God, after his conversion, at once an archangel, as when, by his blessed Spirit he quickens the sinner, dead in trespasses and sins, and brings him into grace. My soul, contemplate the sweet thought this morning, that it may lead thee, with thy hymn of praise, to all precious Jesus! First then, my soul, think where you then stood, before this vast act of…
Article 6 – Particular Redemption
Articles Of The Faith And Order Of A Primitive Or Strict And Particular Baptist Church Of The Lord Jesus Christ, Based On The Declaration Of Faith And Practice Of John Gill, D. D., 1720 VI. Particular Redemption. We hold that since the redeeming and atoning work of the Lord Jesus was defined and determined by His Covenant engagements; He suffered to ransom the persons and expiate the sins of the elect of God only; who, (and no others,) participate in the special and peculiar blessings that flow from His sufferings and death. ------------------------------- Is 53:6; Matt 1:21; Jn 10:15,16,26; 17:6,9; Acts 20:28; Rom 11:7; Eph 5:25; 1 Pet 1:2; 2:24 -------------------------------------------------------------- Annotations: Note 1.—The word “particular” is here used in the sense of “special,” as…
Book 2: Chapter 6, Redemption For Man Lost To Be Sought In Christ
The parts of this chapter are, I. The excellence of the doctrine of Christ the Redeemer—a doctrine always entertained by the Church, sec. 1. II. Christ, the Mediator in both dispensations, was offered to the faith of the pious Israelites and people of old, as is plain from the institution of sacrifice, the calling of Abraham’s family, and the elevation of David and his posterity, sec. 2. III. Hence the consolation, strength, hope, and confidence of the godly under the Law, Christ being offered to them in various ways by their heavenly Father. Sections. 1. The knowledge of God the Creator of no avail without faith in Christ the Redeemer. First reason. Second reason strengthened by the testimony of an Apostle. Conclusion. This doctrine entertained…
Article 5 – The Mediation Of Christ
Articles Of The Faith And Order Of A Primitive Or Strict And Particular Baptist Church Of The Lord Jesus Christ, Based On The Declaration Of Faith And Practice Of John Gill, D. D., 1720 V. The Mediation of Christ. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ, (who was set up from everlasting as the Mediator of the new Covenant,) having engaged to be the Surety of His people[1] did, in the fulness of time, really assume human nature, (but free from sin,)[2] in which He suffered and died in their room and stead, as their Representative and Surety[3] thereby rendering all the satisfaction for their sins which the law and justice of God required[4] as well as making way for the communication of all the…
February 13—Morning Devotion
"Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us."—Galatians 3:13 Pause, my soul, and contemplate the unspeakable mercies contained in those precious words. However little thou hast regarded them, yet they contain in their bosom the whole blessings of the gospel. It is to Jesus in this one glorious act of his faith, should the sinner be continually looking. There, the believer should say, there hangs my hope, my joy, my confidence. "Christ hath redeemed me from the curse of the law, being made a curse for me." Now, my soul, observe how Jesus accomplished this great mercy for thee. Whatever Christ redeemed the sinner from, he became that for him. In the act of redemption, by substituting…
February 7—Morning Devotion
"Behold the Lamb of God!"—John 1:36 Who is it calls upon thee, my soul, to this most gratifying and enriching of all employments? Is it not God the Holy Ghost, by the ministry of his servant John? And doth not God thy Father do the same by the ministry of his servant Isaiah, when be bids thee behold him in whom his soul delighteth? And is not Jesus himself calling, again and again, in the ministry of his word and ordinances upon thy poor forgetful heart, when he saith, "Behold me! behold me! look unto me, and be ye saved!" And wilt thou not obey the sweet and gracious calls, on which all thy present peace and everlasting happiness depend? Precious, precious Jesus! Yes, my…