Christ Crowned
“On his head were many crowns.”—Revelation 19:12 I will tell you a secret, said the preacher. I preached a sermon from this text at Deptford, last June, and the reason of my choosing it to-night is, that it had been hanging about me for some time, and at this time I cannot get rid of it; I trust, therefore, it may be a blessing to many of you. Our Lord is represented as riding on a white horse, having flashing eyes of anger; and I have no doubt but this passage will receive its accomplishment in the destruction of Popery. There is an undying glory arising from the salvation the dear Lord has effected. Our Jesus is mighty to destroy all his foes, nor is…
Book 2: Chapter 13, Christ Clothed With The True Substance Of Human Nature
The heads of this chapter are, I. The orthodoxy doctrine as to the true humanity of our Saviour, proved from many passages of Scripture, sec. 1. II. Refutation of the impious objections of the Marcionites, Manichees, and similar heretics, sec. 2–4. Sections. 1. Proof of the true humanity of Christ, against the Manichees and Marcionites. 2. Impious objections of heretics further discussed. Six objections answered. 3. Other eight objections answered. 4. Other three objections answered. 1. Of the divinity of Christ, which has elsewhere been established by clear and solid proofs, I presume it were superfluous again to treat. It remains, therefore, to see how, when clothed with our flesh, he fulfilled the office of Mediator. In ancient times, the reality of his human…
1 Corinthians: Chapter 2, Verse 2
“For I determined not to know anything among you, etc.]” This was a resolution the apostle entered into before he came among them, that though he was well versed in human literature, and had a large compass of knowledge in the things of nature, yet would make known nothing else unto them, or make anything else the subject of his ministry, “save Christ, and him crucified:” He had a spiritual and experimental knowledge of Christ himself, and which he valued above all things else; and this qualified him to make him known to others; and which knowledge he was very willing and ready to communicate by preaching the Gospel, which is the means of making known Christ as God’s salvation to the souls of men;…
May 9—Morning Devotion
"A certain Samaritan."—Luke 10:33 Look, my soul, beyond the letter of the parable, and see if thou canst not instantly discover who it is that is here meant. Mark how he is described: "A certain Samaritan." Not any indifferent undetermined one among the whole mass of men called Samaritans, but an identical certain one: and who but Jesus answers to this character? "Said we not well, (said the Jews) that thou art a Samaritan?" Yes, truly, thus far ye said right; for our Jesus is the true Samaritan, that came a blissful stranger from his blessed abode, to deliver us from our lost estate, for his mercy endureth for ever. And, my soul, observe how exactly corresponding to all that is said of this certain…
May 1—Morning Devotion
"Thou shalt call his name Jesus."—Matthew 1:21 This is one more of the Redeemer's names, which is as ointment poured forth. As if the Holy Ghost had been graciously consulting the everlasting comfort and happiness of his people, and therefore commanded the church to know their Lord, by so many different and endearing appellations. As if he bad said, are you kept back from approaching him through fear? Oh no;—go to him, for he is Emanuel. So great, as God, that he is able to save; so tender and near, as man, that he is more ready to bestow mercy than you are to ask it. Are you kept back for want of righteousness? Be not so, for he is the Lord our righteousness, and…
1 Corinthians: Chapter 1, Verse 31
“That, according as it is written, etc.]” (Jeremiah 9:23,24). “He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord;” Not in his own wisdom, riches, and strength; but in Christ, as his wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption.