Now Is The Day Of Salvation
Behold The Lamb Of God
Nothing can make poor sinners truly happy, but that which taketh away the cause of all misery, sin. This is effected: the Lamb of God hath taken away all sin, by his sacrifice for us. When, by the eye of faith, we behold this Lamb, then all sin is taken away from our conscience. When a soul thinks, ‘Sin has condemned me before God; the law accuseth me daily; it works wrath in my conscience continually; and I am often ready to cry out, oh wretched that I am, who shall deliver me?’—Thanks be to God for a precious Redeemer. The Lamb which God provided, hath done it for ever. All our iniquities were laid upon him. ‘He bare in his own body on the…
I Will Send My Beloved Son, It May Be They Will Reverence Him When They See Him
The Lord Jesus Christ here, in one of the many parables which He spoke, is, first of all, setting forth a solemn lesson for the generation in which He lived. He is also setting forth what lay before Him in a few weeks time from when He made this precious declaration. But this is also a word for every generation. It is just the same now as it was in the generation in which our Lord lived. “He came unto His own, and His own received Him not.” Friends, this is just as true today. Man has not changed. The nature of man is not more amenable to the Truth now than it was in our Lord’s day, here below. Thus, the question and the…
He shall See Of The Travail Of His Soul, And Shall Be Satisfied
Well nigh two thousand years ago, there was a chariot returning to Ethiopia from Jerusalem. In that chariot was the Ethiopian Eunuch, a man whose heart had been stirred to seek the Truth. The Ethiopian Eunuch was reading from the prophecy of Isaiah. There was a man whom God had ordained to preach Christ to that returning seeker: Philip the Evangelist. When Philip saw the chariot with the Ethiopian Eunuch in it, he was commanded to go and join himself to it. And as Philip joined himself to the chariot, he saw what the Eunuch was reading. He asked him a question. “Understandest thou what thou readest?” That is a question, isn’t it? I wonder how many understand the chapter that we have read this…
6 The Earthly And Temporary Covenants: The Incarnation Of Christ
I’d like to welcome you back for another study in the Word of God. We're going to be continuing a little series of studies on the biblical covenants, and this will be the second part, looking at the earthly and temporary covenants. But just to place you in remembrance of what we've been looking at in general. I believe the major covenants of the Bible can be placed under two categories. The first of these is what we could call the two spiritual and perpetual covenants—that would be the Covenant of Redemption and the Covenant of Works. And then the second of these would be the four earthly and temporary covenants—and that would be the Noahic Covenant, the Abrahamic Covenant, the Mosaic Covenant and the Davidic…
The Dying Thief
Was there ever such a display of the riches of sovereign grace! Nothing but grace reigns here! Man’s merit has no part. Just consider the character of the dying thief. He is described as a malefactor, an evil doer. Whenever I have mentioned the dying thief over the years, and we have had visitors from Holland, they have always been surprised, because they say that the Dutch version speaks of him as the murderer, the dying murderer. He had nothing, not one claim upon the justice of God or the mercy of God. If you look in one of the other gospels, we are told that both the thieves reviled the dying Saviour, casting scorn upon Him, saying, “If Thou be the Son of God,…