Book 1: Chapter 18, The Instrumentality Of The Wicked Employed By God, While He Continues Free From Every Taint
This chapter may be conveniently divided into two parts:—I. A general explanation is given of the doctrine of Divine Providence, in so far as conducive to the solid instruction and consolation of the godly, sect. 1, and specially sect. 2-12. First, however, those are refuted who deny that the world is governed by the secret and incomprehensible counsel of God; those also who throw the blame of all wickedness upon God, and absurdly pretend that exercises of piety are useless, sect. 2-5. Thereafter is added a holy meditation on Divine Providence, which, in the case of prosperity, is painted to the life, sect. 6-11. II. A solution of two objections from passages of Scripture, which attribute repentance to God, and speak of something like an…
Ten Marks Of Distinguishing Grace
The Word of God everywhere speaks of grace as distinguishing, discriminating and particular. Grace is never general, common or indefinite. Here are ten clear examples of distinguishing grace. The Everlasting Covenant Scripture talks freely and frequently of God’s promises to particular men. God made personal covenants with Noah, Moses, Abraham and David all of which teach us about the meaning of God’s covenant promises in general, and the nature of the everlasting covenant in particular (Genesis 17:7; Hebrews 13:20). The ‘everlasting covenant’ has several names in scripture including the ‘covenant of grace’ and the ‘covenant of peace’. It is first made known in the Garden of Eden when God reveals His plan to send a Deliverer who will bruise the serpent’s head – though not…
A Frowning Providence, Smiling Face
Dear Friend in the dear Lord of the House,—I drop you this line from a real feeling for you. I am really sorry, that—has turned out as it has. Well, my friend, this must be a trial for you; but I hope the Lord will support your mind, and grant you peace in him. Should it be a means of making you poor, remember the dear Lord was poor before you, and in the riches of his grace he has made you, in the best sense, rich through his poverty, and you will find in him one that will be a very present help in trouble. I know what poverty is, for I have been so poor as to feel grateful for two pence. I…
A Path Of Tribulation
There are many letters in the “G.S.” to the Church, but I must leave them. The following is the last he wrote to them. It was written a few months before his death, after a certain minister in London, high in doctrine, had been propagating the sentiments that a child of God cannot backslide and that Sin can do a child of God no harm: To the Family of God, meeting for the worship of their adorable Lord in George's Road, Manchester. Dear Brethren,—Through the tender mercies of the Lord, I am still in the path of life; and though I find it a path of tribulation, I am, in some solemn, and at times, sweet measure, enabled to unite with Moses, choosing “rather to…
None Like The God Of Jeshurun
My dear Friend in the glorious Head of the Church,—I received your epistle, and am greatly obliged to you for it. I was sorry to learn that our dear brother Martin was so ill, but much pleased and profited to find that our blessed Lord so sweetly and powerfully supported his mind. Indeed, in very deed, there is no God like the God of Jeshurun. None can save like him; none can succour, comfort, and support like him; no, nor can any one give timely reproof like him. Through the rich aboundings of his matchless grace, I have in thousands of instances proved him to be a very present help in time of trouble; yea, and have proved his very reproofs to be mercies. Our…
Suffer It To Be So Now