Book 3: Chapter 21, Of The Eternal Election, By Which God Has Predestinated Some To Salvation, And Others To Destruction
The covenant of life is not preached equally to all, and among those to whom it is preached, does not always meet with the same reception. This diversity displays the unsearchable depth of the divine judgment, and is without doubt subordinate to God’s purpose of eternal election. But if it is plainly owing to the mere pleasure of God that salvation is spontaneously offered to some, while others have no access to it, great and difficult questions immediately arise, questions which are inexplicable, when just views are not entertained concerning election and predestination. To many this seems a perplexing subject, because they deem it most incongruous that of the great body of mankind some should be predestinated to salvation, and others to destruction. How ceaselessly…
Letter 9: To Beulah—On Union With Christ
My Dear Beulah, Permit me to address a word of congratulation to you, on the sacred, honorable, and indissoluble union which exists between Christ and your soul; a union planned in eternity, effected in the fulness of time and fraught with infinite and eternal advantages. The word of truth employs many delightful, metaphors to explain it, and affords many positive declarations of its reality— eternity— and vitality; and it is my object to present a scriptural view of it in a few lines, for the instruction and comfort of your mind; praying the Holy Spirit to assist me in writing and you in reading on this important subject. In the sacred volume we have a variety of the most beautiful imagery to represent the union…
Election? Is That Fair?
Election? Is That Fair?
Election is a common Bible theme and the word in its various forms is used so frequently in the Old and New Testament that we might expect the doctrine of election to be generally accepted and believed. That is not, however, the case. Despite Old Testament prophets such as Moses, David and Isaiah clearly explaining election, and notwithstanding Jesus and all the New Testament writers doing the same, many professing Christians are either ignorant or ashamed of ‘the purpose of God according to election’. God’s right to choose Election simply means choosing. The Bible teaches that before the world began, God the creator chose a fixed number of individuals to salvation and everlasting glory. These people were chosen unconditionally. This means their election by God…
My Views On The Absolute Predestination Of All Things
I, a few weeks since, received by letter a request from a brother out West that I should give through the SIGNS OF THE TIMES my views on the Absolute Predestination of All things. I judge from this letter that this brother is sound on the subject; but I also judge from his letters, as also from a copy of the Minutes of the Association with which he is probably connected, that he is surrounded by Baptists not sound on all points, and not upon the subject upon which he wishes my views. I feel, therefore, disposed to yield to his request, if by any means I might say anything that would strengthen and confirm him in the truth, and instruct others who have hearts…
A Letter To Gilbert Beebe Regarding Absolute Predestination
Brother Beebe, Having understood that several of our Brethren in different places, as well as others, have so construed my piece on the Absolute Predestination of All things, as to infer that I represent God to be the Author of sin, I have been led to look over that article to see if I did make any slip on that point, and leave any sentence so worded as to give just ground for their construction. But I do not find a single sentence therein, that by any fair interpretation, represents God as being the Author of sin in general, or as compelling the creature to a sinful choice by any arbitrary force put upon his mind. I think, if any of our Brethren, who have…