Appendix (3): The Predestination of the Roman Catholics
Concerning the Predestination of the Papists. It is asserted that Augustine and Aquinas were ''two champions for predestination," and "their names have much weight in the Church of Rome." I am apt to think that such acquaintance, either with St. Augustine's writings or with those of Aquinas, is, at best, extremely slender. Whatever may be said for the truly admirable Bishop of Hippo, it is certain that the ingenious native of Aquino was by no means a consistent predestinarian. He had, indeed, his lucid intervals, but if the Arminians should find themselves at a loss for quibbles, I would recommend to them a diligent perusal of that laborious hair-splitter, who will furnish them, in their own way, with many useful and necessary quirks, without the…
A Five Pointer: Calvinism Explained
This article[1] is designed to provide an overview of The Doctrines of Grace. Not only will each point be stated as clearly and concisely as possible, but the points will be interconnected in order to demonstrate the essential teaching of the "system" as a whole. The following sketch is offered as a guide: I. The Doctrine of Man. The first and last points stand in contrast to each other, highlighting the nature of man and his relationship to God. 1. Total Depravity is the condition of man before he becomes a Christian. He is born the first time with a body and soul (Jn 3:6). However, his soul is dead (Eph 2:1), having been conceived in sin (Ps 51:5). There are serious implications of this…