The Key To Unlocking John Gill’s “Body Of Doctrinal And Practical Divinity”
John Gill understood the Sublapsarian view on the logical order of God's decree to fit within the Supralapsarian view, thereby subscribing to both positions. This scheme of teaching is diagramed in the "Framework of Sovereign Grace", which serves as the key to unlocking Gill's "Body of Doctrinal and Practical Divinity" (Systematic Theology). Although Gill himself never diagramed his framework of teachings, it was a method used by William Perkins (a Supralapsarian) and by John Bunyan (a Sublapsarian) during the 16th and 17th centuries. The "Framework of Sovereign Grace" is a diagram drawn up by Jared Smith in 2012, incidentally but conveniently aligned with the teachings of John Gill.
On The Logical Order Of God’s Decree – Supralapsarianism
"This author [Job Burt] should have mentioned these scriptures, and commented upon them, and answered the arguments of the supralapsarians from them; in particular, Theodore Beza, in his notes upon the last of these texts [Rom 9:21-23], which I shall transcribe for this man’s sake; and he may try whether he is capable of answering of them. 'Those who, by the mass, or lump, says this great man, understand mankind...
Trials And The Fallacy Of Time Salvation
Crawfordsville, Ind., Nov. 19, 1899. Elder F. A. Chick – Very Dear Brother In Christ: – The shadow of night is upon our part of the earth, and also a dark mantle of sorrow has fallen upon my spirit to-night, and my heart is troubled, without my scarcely knowing why; for I still realize “The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble: and he knoweth them that trust in him,” and truly my soul does trust in him. “He is my soul’s sweet morning star, and be my rising sun. “And my sad heart would make this humble appeal to him: “Do not I love thee, O my Lord? Behold my heart and see, And turn each cursed idol out, That dares…
Time Salvation
Beloved:—The Old Baptist people have long been troubled with the confusing doctrines of “means of salvation,” “means of grace,” and such like; but not until the present young generation rose up, who assume to be wise above all the fathers, has the confusing and uncertain Sound of “conditional time salvation“ been trumpeted forth in almost all the camps of Israel. The last ten years this strange and startling blast of trumpets has echoed and reechoed with exciting and bewildering effect, and great has been the widespread confusion and division, where peace and good will prevailed before. This dividing of salvation, and subdividing it into fragments and parts, partly eternal salvation, and partly time salvation, (as the teachers of this yea and nay gospel call it,)…
Trusting in the Spirit of truth to guide me into the truth as it is in Jesus, my heart is moved to write to the saved in Christ, of salvation. In doing so, the Bible alone must decide everything pertaining to salvation, but when this is done, then the testimony of godly and eminent writers among the saved, may be taken as confirmatory of this salvation in its power and comfort. Notwithstanding the overwhelming testimony of the holy Scriptures, that beside God there is no Savior, and that according to his mercy and by his grace he saves us, yet there has ever been a dispute in the world about salvation, and the principle and way of salvation. So it is well that we look…
The Election Of Grace
Beloved In Christ:—We are called upon to look to the Rock from whence we were hewn, as well as to the hole of the pit from whence we were digged, showing that we are from both earth and heaven. So, the song of the redeemed is, “He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a Rock, and established my goings.” Christ is this living and everlasting Rock, and upon this abiding foundation stone the Lord Jehovah builds his church. “To whom coming, as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and precious, ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer…