• William Mason

    When Ye Pray

    Faith in the heart excites prayer from the lips. Thus the faith of God’s elect manifests itself, that it cometh from the Lord the Spirit. By it the soul is led to Jesus the mediator, and by him to God the Father. So each person in the Godhead is known, worshipped, and glorified by believing souls. While we see and feel nothing of our misery and wants, no marvel that prayer is an irksome task. From a sight of ourselves, and the knowledge of Jesus, we come to him daily with simplicity of heart. Master, teach us to pray, it is the highest honour, the sweetest privilege, the most blessed exercise of the soul to draw nigh to God. What greater on earth than to…

  • William Mason

    Wrong Petitions

    Strange! What, James and John, two disciples of a despised and rejected Master, who had not where to lay his head, yet dreaming of earthly pomp and worldly grandeur, and petitioning for the highest pitch of worldly glory? Yes, nothing less than the right hand of pre-eminence, and the left hand of power, would suit them. Human nature, how earthly, carnal, and selfish! How low are we fallen, yet how lofty in pride! What are the best of men, when left to their own spirits? Truly, we know not what to pray for as we ought. Jesus, Master, instruct us what to do. Teach us what to pray for. Let thy word, ‘my kingdom is not of this world,’ be ever uppermost in our minds.

  • Septimus Sears

    Clean Hands Essential To Communion With God

    Three of the great blessings to be tasted in measure here, and enjoyed immeasurably hereafter, by the saints of God, are salvation, sanctification, and communion. Salvation frees from the damning consequences of sin; sanctification from its domination and pollution; and communion is, getting beyond its hindering power. The first of these blessings is so complete that there is no adding to or diminishing from it. "It is finished," and always the same to every child of God. In the knowledge of salvation there may be, and is, great variety amongst the people of God; but with regard to the thing itself, there is no difference. The feeblest soul that, with the most trembling and dim faith, has fled to the cross, and there rested for…

  • John Calvin's Institutes Of The Christian Religion, Book 3 (Complete)

    Book 3: Chapter 20, Of Prayer—A Perpetual Exercise Of Faith; The Daily Benefits Derived From It

    From the previous part of the work we clearly see how completely destitute man is of all good, how devoid of every means of procuring his own salvation. Hence, if he would obtain succour in his necessity, he must go beyond himself, and procure it in some other quarter. It has farther been shown that the Lord kindly and spontaneously manifests himself in Christ, in whom he offers all happiness for our misery, all abundance for our want, opening up the treasures of heaven to us, so that we may turn with full faith to his beloved Son, depend upon him with full expectation, rest in him, and cleave to him with full hope. This, indeed, is that secret and hidden philosophy which cannot be…

  • John Hazelton Sermons

    The Privilege And Power Of Prayer

    “Incline, thine ear, O Lord, and hear: open thine eyes, O Lord, and see: and hear all the words of Sennacherib, which hath sent to reproach the living God.”—Isaiah 37:17 Satan goeth about as a roaring lion, “seeking whom he may devour; and the Holy Ghost has said, “resist him, stedfast in the faith.” Though Satan devours thousands or millions of our fellow men, he has never yet been permitted to devour the saints of the everlasting God. But he has in all ages of the world tempted and tormented them. Sometimes the temptations of the devil relate to the genuineness of one’s religion and profession, and to the filial character of one's connection with the great God of heaven and earth. At other times…

  • Septimus Sears

    Nearness To The Throne Of Grace

    The Following Letter Was Written From France To The Church And Congregation At Clifton. My Dear People, to whom it has pleased the Lord to lead me to preach the Word of life, you have a very large place in my affections, and often are my thoughts wafted across sea and land to you collectively and individually, and, what is of far more importance, my desires for your souls’ welfare are often wafted to the Eternal Throne. What a mercy is a mercy-seat, the blood-sprinkled meeting place of the saints, wherever they may be cast by the providence of God. If we get nearness to the throne of grace we cannot be far distant from each other. This nearness is a blessing I earnestly wish…