5 Bible Doctrine – What Is The Spectrum Of Sovereign Grace?
A Transcript Of The Video Study In our previous studies, I have drawn a clear distinction between two frameworks of theology—Arminianism and Calvinism. I have sought to show you that Arminianism is based on the philosophy of Humanism, and is therefore the epitome of all false religion; whereas Calvinism is based on the revelation of sovereign grace, which is the essence of all true religion. However, the leading factor which determines whether a sinner will enter into the kingdom of God is the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit; not the substance of a preacher’s sermon or the content of a sinner’s creed. Henceforth, it is possible for a regenerate sinner to subscribe to the teachings of Arminianism, just as it is possible for an…
2 Bible Doctrine – What Do These Labels – “Arminianism” And “Calvinism” – Represent?
A Transcript Of The Video Study In our previous study, I sought to show you that every field of knowledge has been reduced to its own framework of teachings. With reference to the Bible, we often call its framework of teachings, Systematic Theology. However, there is more than one system of teachings derived from the Scriptures. The two most prominent frameworks are those of Arminianism and Calvinism. Now, what exactly do these labels represent? These labels represent two diametrically opposed systems of biblical theology. The name “Arminianism” is derived from the teachings of a Dutch Theologian who lived during the 16th century named Jacobus Arminius (1560-1609). The name “Calvinism” is derived from the teachings of a French Theologian who also lived during the 16th century…
Arminians And Mongrel Calvinists
I recollect once asking an Arminian how a soul must be saved; to which he replied, “By the blood of Jesus Christ.” I said, “Do you believe in that Scripture passage, “The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin?“ He replied, “I do.” “Do you believe that the blood and righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ is sufficient alone of itself to save a soul from hell?” He said, “I do.” “Then what are sinners sent to hell for?” To which he replied, “For rejecting the Saviour, to be sure.” I said, “Is rejecting the Saviour a sin?” He replied, “Yes.” “Well, then; if the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin, that sin of rejecting the Saviour is among the…
Two Or Three Covenants?
One of the reasons many Reformed believers assert it is the duty of all sinners to savingly believe on Christ is because they distinguish between the covenant of redemption and the covenant of grace. They believe the covenant of redemption was made between the Father, the Son and the Spirit from eternity, whereas the covenant of grace is made between Jehovah and the sinner in time. They view the covenant of redemption as existing in the background of God’s plan for the ages, whereas the covenant of grace is set in the foreground of man’s responsibility for today. R. C. Sproul outlined this view in his book, “What Is Reformed Theology”. He explained Reformed Theology is primarily concerned with three major covenants—the covenant of redemption,…
Persuasional Regeneration?
In an article entitled, “The Need For Persuasion In The Preaching Of The Gospel”, Peter Masters wrote: “The hyper-Calvinist regards the regenerating work of the Spirit as a total and complete work of conversion carried on in the heart by the Spirit in a direct manner...Believing that the whole of regeneration and conversion is accomplished by a direct work of the Spirit in the heart, and that repentance and faith are the fruit and evidence of a soul already saved, the preacher has no exhortation left to make!” This is a classic Reformed (Fullerite) Baptist position. I respond:[1] First, the “hyper-Calvinist” does believe the regenerating work of the Spirt is total and complete. Second, the “hyper-Calvinist” does believe that repentance and faith are the fruit…
1. High-Calvinists Did Not Like George Whitefield, Because He Preached The Gospel?
Speaking of John Wesley and George Whitefield, John Piper points out: “The Particular Baptists did not like either of these evangelical leaders. Wesley was not a Calvinist, and Whitefield’s Calvinism was suspect, to say the least, because of the kind of evangelistic preaching he did. The Particular Baptists spoke derisively of Whitefield’s ‘Arminian dialect’.” One of the leading figures among the Particular Baptists was Pastor-Theologian John Gill. The teachings of Gill are representative of the High-Calvinism to which Piper refers. In George Ella’s book, “John Gill, And The Cause Of God And Truth”, he makes the following observation on page 184: “It is very difficult to conceive that anyone familiar with the ministry of John Gill could accuse him of being without vigour in preaching…