• Thieleman J. Van Braght, Martyrs Mirror

    48. Urticinus

    Urticinus, A Pious Christian, Beheaded With The Ax, At Ravenna, A.D. 99 Next to Timothy is placed Urticinus or Ursinius, a physician at Ravenna in Italy. Having been reported to the Judge Paulinus, as being a Christian, he was tortured in manifold ways for the name of Christ. Having borne all with constancy, and still refusing to sacrifice to the gods of the heathen, he was finally sentenced by the judge, to be beheaded with the ax. When Urticinus received this sentence of death, he began to tremble and shake before the impending death, and to deliberate with himself, whether he should deny Christ, or how he might the most easily escape death. But while he was thus counseling with flesh and blood, one of…

  • Thieleman J. Van Braght, Martyrs Mirror,  Timothy The Bishop

    47. Timothy, Spiritual Son of the Apostle Paul

    Timothy, The Spiritual Son Of The Apostle Apul, Stoned To Death By The Heathen Idolaters At Ephesus, About A. D. 98 Timothy was a native of Lystra in Lycaonia. His father was a Greek, but his mother and grandmother, though of Jewish descent, were Christian believers, the one named Eunice, the other Lois; by whom he was instructed from his youth in the holy Scriptures. Acts 16:1; 2 Tim. 1:5. Timothy was well reported of by the brethren that were at Lystra and Iconium; wherefore Paul received him as his companion in the ministry of the holy Gospel among the Gentiles. Acts 16:2, 3. Paul loved him with a godly love, and called him his dearly beloved son in the Lord. 2 Tim. 1:2. He…

  • John The Apostle,  Thieleman J. Van Braght, Martyrs Mirror

    46. John the Evangelist

    John the evangelist abandoned on the Isle of Patmos, A.D. 97 John, The Holy Evangelist, Banished To The Isle of Pathos, By Emperor Domitian, A.D. 97 John, the apostle and evangelist, was a son of Zebedee, and brother of James the Greater; he was born at Nazareth, and by occupation was a fisherman. Matt. 4:21. He was called by Christ, when engaged with his father and brother in mending their nets for fishing. Verse 22. As soon as he heard the words of Christ, he immediately left the nets, the ship, and his father, and, together with James, his beloved brother, followed Christ. Chrysost. Ilomil. 1., in Joh. Afterwards he became from a disciple an apostle of Christ, and was numbered with the twelve whom…

  • Thieleman J. Van Braght, Martyrs Mirror

    45. Antipas

    Antipas roasted alive in a “copper Steer”, A.D. 95 Antipas, The Faithful Witness Of Jesus Christ, Burned At Pergamos In A Red-Hot Brazen Ox, A.D. 95 Antipas was an upright man and a pious witness of the Son of God; who, in proof of his faith, tasted death, rather than dishonor his Saviour, by denying Him, or otherwise. This happened in the lifetime of the apostle John. Hence he may be reckoned one of the first of those who suffered, during the time of Domitian, for the testimony of JesusnChrist.
 Of this hero and knight of God, the Lord Himself made mention to His servant John, yea, commanded him, to write to the teacher at Pergamos concerning him, saying: "To the angel of the church…

  • Luke The Evangelist,  Thieleman J. Van Braght, Martyrs Mirror

    44. Luke the Evangelist

    Of The Second Persecution Of The Christians, Under Domitian, Which Commenced A.D. 93; In Which, Among Others, There Were Apprehended, Banished, Or Slain, The Following Persons.” Luke the Evangelist Hung from an Olive Tree in Greece, A.D. 93 Luke, The Holy Evangelist, Hanged On A Green Olive Tree, In Greece, A.D. 93 Luke, the third among the holy evangelists, was, according to the testimony of the ancients, a Syrian of Antioch, and by occupation a physician. Bybclsch Nozmbceck, about Luke, from Euseb. and Hicron. Col. 4:14. It was the will of the Lord to use him as a physician of souls; to which end he has left to mankind two excellent books on spiritual medicine; namely, his holy Gospel and the Acts of the holy…

  • Thieleman J. Van Braght, Martyrs Mirror

    43. Seventy Disciples of Christ

    Some Of The Seventy Disciples Of Christ, And Several Followers Of The Apostles, Slain, Towards The Close Of The Persecution By Nero, About A.D. 70 Prochorus, one of the first seven deacons at Jerusalem, a nephew of the pious martyr Stephen, and companion of the apostle John, but afterwards bishop of the church at Bithynia, in Macedonia, suffered and died at Antioch. Nicanor, also one of the first seven deacons at Jerusalem, was likewise executed for the truth's sake. Likewise Parmenas, also one of the seven deacons. Olympus was imprisoned at Rome with Paul, for the Gospel's sake. Carpus, a servant of Paul, and afterwards bishop of the church at Troas, was put to death in that place, for the faith. Trophimus, Paul's companion, was…