Book 2: Chapter 12, Christ, To Perform The Office Of Mediator, Behoved To Become Man
The two divisions of this chapter are, I. The reasons why our Mediator behoved to be very God, and to become man, sec. 1–3. II. Disposal of various objections by some fanatics, and especially by Osiander, to the orthodox doctrine concerning the Mediator, sec. 4–7. Sections. 1. Necessary, not absolutely, but by divine decree, that the Mediator should be God, and become man. Neither man nor angel, though pure, could have sufficed. The Son of God behoved to come down. Man in innocence could not penetrate to God without a Mediator, much less could he after the fall. 2. A second reason why the Mediator behoved to be God and man—viz. that he had to convert those who were heirs of hell into children of…
Let Us Therefore Come Boldly
Some of the points covered in this sermon: • Identifying the main structure of Hebrews 4:14-16 • Examining Paul’s purpose for writing the Epistle to the Hebrews • Explaining how the gospel of grace in the New Testament is the same gospel of grace in the Old Testament • Highlighting the three offices ordained by God to meet the sinner’s need—(1) king, to rule the sinner; (2) prophet, to represent God to the sinner; (3) priest, to represent the sinner to God • Highlighting the three parts to the office of priest • Explaining how Jesus, the Son of God, perfectly fulfills the three parts as the sinner’s great high priest • Connecting the intercession of Christ with the petitions of His people • Explaining…
April 19—Morning Devotion
"Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification."—Romans 4:25 My soul, thou must not yet dismiss—no, nor ever dismiss, the sweet and precious subject of thy Lord's resurrection. One part of it thou hast not yet scarce glanced at; and yet it is such a one as thine everlasting safety, and thy justification before God depends upon. "For," as the Holy Ghost hath said, by the mouth of his servant the apostle," if Christ be not risen, then are believers yet in their sins. "1 Cor. xv. 17. See to it then, my soul, that what this sweet scripture of the morning saith be true, that Jesus was delivered for thine offences, and was raised again for thy justification. While…
April 14—Morning Devotion
"When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, it is finished."—John 19:30 Perhaps these words formed the sixth cry of the Lord Jesus on the cross. The glorious close of all his sufferings was now arrived; and full of these high ideas which occupied his holy mind, he cried out, "It is finished!" What is finished? Redemption-work is finished. All the long series of prophecies, visions, types, and the shadows of good things to come, which pointed to Jesus and redemption by him, were now finished in their accomplishment. The law was finished in its condemning power; and the gospel commenced its saving influence. Jesus, by that one sacrifice now offered, had for ever perfected them that are sanctified. The separation between Jew and…
April 9—Morning Devotion
"Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."—Luke 23:34 My soul, art thou still taking thy stand at the foot of the cross? Art thou still looking up to Jesus? If so, listen now to his voice. There were seven expressions of Jesus, which were his last words, which he uttered on the cross. The last words of dying friends are particularly regarded: how much more the last words of the best of all friends; even the dying friend of poor lost perishing sinners. Those which I have chosen for the portion of the day were the first; and they contain the strong cry of Jesus to his Father for forgiveness to his murderers. And what endears those expressions yet…
April 1—Morning Devotion
"And this is his name whereby he shall be called-THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS"—Jeremiah 23:6 Begin this month, my soul, with contemplating thy Jesus in this glorious distinction of character; and beg of God the Holy Ghost, who hath here declared that, under this character, Jesus shall be known and called, that every day through the month, and through the whole of life, thou mayest find grace and strength so to know and so to call Jesus, as to be everlastingly satisfied that thou art made the righteousness of God in him. And first, my soul, consider who and what this Holy One is. He is the Lord Jehovah. In the glories of his essence, he is One with the Father. In his Personal glories, he…