Study 11: The Futility Of Self-Justification
In a previous study, I started to unfold Paul’s teachings on the subject of justification, recorded in Romans 3:19-5:21. In (3:19-31), he explains its meaning, as it relates to the redeeming work of the Lord Jesus Christ. In (4:1-25), he gives an example of it in the testimony of Abraham. In (5:1-11), he describes the experience of it after sinners have been regenerated by the Spirit of God. In (5:12-21), he returns to an explanation of it, only this time making reference to the covenant headship of the Lord Jesus Christ. Having already given my thoughts on Paul’s teachings in (3:19-31), I would like to follow up on the meaning of justification by exploring how the term is used throughout the Word of God. I…
The Futility Of Self-Justification
A Defense Of Particular Redemption
I think it right to inform the reader that, some time ago, I was accidentally engaged in a verbal controversy on the nature and extent of the atonement of Christ, with a Baptist minister of some celebrity, residing in Northamptonshire. At parting he earnestly entreated me to read Mr. Fuller’s "Dialogues, Letters, and Essays," which I promised to do. No sooner had I read and pondered that work, than the fallacy of Mr. Fuller’s doctrine, which my friend had espoused, appeared to me in a more striking manner than it had ever done before; and I felt assured that, with a little labor, the speciousness and deceitfulness of Mr. Fuller’s views might be fully made manifest. With this conviction, I determined to attempt a refutation…
Eternal Justification
The doctrine of Eternal Justification has been lately objected to by Mr. Bragge, in some sermons of his on that subject, published with some other sermons preached at Limestreet, by several ministers; wherein they propose, according to the general title, to state and defend the great doctrines of the gospel, and to answer such objections as are usually advanced against them. As I have reason to believe Justification from Eternity to be a scriptural doctrine, I think my self under obligation to appear in its defence; and therefore have determined to communicate my thoughts on that subject in this public manner. I hope that my attempt to establish, what I apprehend to be a truth of the gospel, though opposed by Mr. B. will not…
The Righteous Robe And Vine
Letter 9: To Beulah—On Union With Christ
My Dear Beulah, Permit me to address a word of congratulation to you, on the sacred, honorable, and indissoluble union which exists between Christ and your soul; a union planned in eternity, effected in the fulness of time and fraught with infinite and eternal advantages. The word of truth employs many delightful, metaphors to explain it, and affords many positive declarations of its reality— eternity— and vitality; and it is my object to present a scriptural view of it in a few lines, for the instruction and comfort of your mind; praying the Holy Spirit to assist me in writing and you in reading on this important subject. In the sacred volume we have a variety of the most beautiful imagery to represent the union…