Book 3: Chapter 14, The Beginning Of Justification. In What Sense Progressive.
In farther illustration of the subject, let us consider what kind of righteousness man can have, during the whole course of his life, and for this purpose let us make a fourfold division. Mankind, either endued with no knowledge of God, are sunk in idolatry; or, initiated in the sacraments, but by the impurity of their lives denying him whom they confess with their mouths, are Christians in name only; or they are hypocrites, who with empty glosses hide the iniquity of the heart; or they are regenerated by the Spirit of God, and aspire to true holiness. In the first place, when men are judged by their natural endowments, not a iota of good will be found from the crown of the head to…
Book 3: Chapter 13, Two Things To Be Observed In Gratuitous Justification
Here two ends must be kept specially in view, namely, that the glory of God be maintained unimpaired, and that our consciences, in the view of his tribunal, be secured in peaceful rest and calm tranquillity. When the question relates to righteousness, we see how often and how anxiously Scripture exhorts us to give the whole praise of it to God. Accordingly, the Apostle testifies that the purpose of the Lord in conferring righteousness upon us in Christ, was to demonstrate his own righteousness. The nature of this demonstration he immediately subjoins—viz. “that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus,” (Rom. 3:25). Observe, that the righteousness of God is not sufficiently displayed, unless He alone is held to be…
Book 3: Chapter 12, Necessity Of Contemplating The Judgment-Seat Of God, In Order To Be Seriously Convinced Of The Doctrine of Gratuitous Justification
Although the perfect truth of the above doctrine is proved by clear passages of Scripture, yet we cannot clearly see how necessary it is, before we bring distinctly into view the foundations on which the whole discussion ought to rest. First, then, let us remember that the righteousness which we are considering is not that of a human, but of a heavenly tribunal; and so beware of employing our own little standard to measure the perfection which is to satisfy the justice of God. It is strange with what rashness and presumption this is commonly defined. Nay, we see that none talk more confidently, or, so to speak, more blusteringly, of the righteousness of works than those whose diseases are most palpable, and blemishes most…
Book 3: Chapter 11, Of Justification By Faith. Both The Name And The Reality Defined.
I trust I have now sufficiently shown how man’s only resource for escaping from the curse of the law, and recovering salvation, lies in faith; and also what the nature of faith is, what the benefits which it confers, and the fruits which it produces. The whole may be thus summed up: Christ given to us by the kindness of God is apprehended and possessed by faith, by means of which we obtain in particular a twofold benefit; first, being reconciled by the righteousness of Christ, God becomes, instead of a judge, an indulgent Father; and, secondly, being sanctified by his Spirit, we aspire to integrity and purity of life. This second benefit—viz. regeneration, appears to have been already sufficiently discussed. On the other hand,…
Study 12: The Certainty Of God-Justification
Having not the time to prepare a transcript for this teaching video, I submit the short notes used at the recording desk—Jared Smith • Previous study—(1) The unregenerate sinners, under the authority of the covenant of works, attempt to atone for their sins by earning favor with God through self-justification; • This Study—(2) The regenerate sinners, under the authority of the covenant of grace, have their sins atoned for by Christ through God-justification. Looking at the CERTAINTY of God-Justification (Romans 8:28-39). • Subject of God-Justification dealt with by Paul in Romans (3:19-5:21), from standpoint of the Son’s role in work of salvation; dealt with again in (8:28-39), from standpoint of Father’s role in work of salvation. Christ is the Author of REDEMPTION; Father is the…
The Certainty Of God-Justification