Escaping Condemnation
Dost thou believe on the Son of God, is the most important question in the world. Faith in Jesus is the one thing needful. Without this the day of life is a state of sin and condemnation; the night of death full of terror, and the day of judgment most dreadful. It cannot be otherwise. As we are all malefactors, under the sentence of the law, the thoughts of execution must be most alarming. But ‘what the eye doth not see, the heart doth not rue.’ Sin naturally blinds men’s eyes, hardens their hearts; and vain self-righteous hopes deceive their souls into an insensibility of their undone state.
Book 3: Chapter 18, The Righteousness Of Works Improperly Inferred From Rewards
Let us now proceed to those passages which affirm that God will render to every one according to his deeds. Of this description are the following: “We must all appear before the judgment-seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he has done, whether it be good or bad;” “Who will render to every man according to his deeds: to them who by patient continuance in well-doing seek for glory, and honor, and immortality, eternal life;” but “tribulation and anguish upon every soul of man that does evil;” “They that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation;” “Come, ye blessed of my Father;” “For…
Book 3: Chapter 16, Refutation Of The Calumnies By Which It Is Attempted To Throw Odium On This Doctrine
Our last sentence may refute the impudent calumny of certain ungodly men, who charge us, first, with destroying good works and leading men away from the study of them, when we say, that men are not justified, and do not merit salvation by works; and, secondly, with making the means of justification too easy, when we say that it consists in the free remission of sins, and thus alluring men to sin to which they are already too much inclined. These calumnies, I say, are sufficiently refuted by that one sentence; however, I will briefly reply to both. The allegation is that justification by faith destroys good works. I will not describe what kind of zealots for good works the persons are who thus charge…
Book 3: Chapter 15, The Boasted Merit Of Works Subversive Both Of The Glory Of God, In Bestowing Righteousness, And Of The Certainty Of Salvation
The principal point in this subject has been now explained: as justifications if dependent upon works, cannot possibly stand in the sight of God, it must depend solely on the mercy of God and communion with Christ, and therefore on faith alone. But let us carefully attend to the point on which the whole subject hinges, lest we get entangled in the common delusion, not only of the vulgar, but of the learned. For the moment the question is raised as to the justification by faith or works, they run off to those passages which seem to ascribe some merit to works in the sight of God, just as if justification by works were proved whenever it is proved that works have any value with…
Study 13: An Overview Of God-Justification
To be clear, the doctrine of God-Justification is designed only for those chosen by the Father and given to the Son, called the elect, or the vessels of honor. Absolutely no promise or provision has been made by God for the justification of the non-elect. Furthermore, the doctrine of God-Justification belongs to the work of the Father and the Son under the terms and promises of the covenant of grace. It is the Father who justifies the sinner, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. All that the scriptures teach concerning God-Justification fits within this framework. According to my understanding of the subject, there are four basic lessons that can be gathered from these Scriptures concerning God-Justification:
An Overview Of God-Justification