• Samuel Walker

    An Appraisal Of My Pastoral Ministry For The Year 1858

    My Dear People,—The close of one year, and the commencement of another, is calculated to suggest solemn thoughts—none perhaps more solemn than those which arise out of the relation of pastor and flock. In that relation you and I have stood to each other during the year that is gone, and nothing is more uncertain than the continuance of that relation to the end of the year that is coming. This point of itself is worthy of notice by both of us in our respective positions. The notice of it which my heart suggests to me is, a few simple observations, not addressed to you merely from the pulpit as in the course of my ordinary ministrations, but in a somewhat more permanent shape; such…

  • Jared Smith On Various Issues

    My Response To Josh Buice’s Assault On Hyper-Calvinists

    Josh Buice, pastor of Pray’s Mill Baptist Church (Atlanta, Georgia), serves as Assistant Professor of Preaching at Grace Bible Theological Seminary and is the founder and president of G3 (Gospel—Grace—Glory) Ministries. On November 22, 2016, he published a column entitled “Calvinism Is Not Hyper-Calvinism” to “Delivered By Grace”. It is to this article I wish to respond. He begins, “Last week, I was interviewed by Chris Arnzen on his radio show, Iron Sharpens Iron, on the subject of hyper-Calvinism.  It caused me to think about this subject and the importance of using vocabulary properly.  As the father of a type 1 diabetic, I spend much of my time explaining to people in random conversations that type 1 diabetes (T1D) is not the same thing as…

  • Jared Smith On Various Issues

    Covenant Theology And The Particular Baptists

    The Reformed Baptist denomination, a section of which has amped up its claims to be the modern day representatives of the English Particular Baptists (PB's), subscribe to a seventeenth century covenantal framework reflective of the Westminster Confession and that of Presbyterianism. In their view, (1) the covenant of redemption is relegated to the backdrop of an ‘eternity past’ with (2) a conditional covenant of works God made with Adam before the Fall (requiring of him perfect obedience to the heart-law) and (3) a conditional covenant of grace God made (or promised to make) with sinners after the Fall (requiring of them saving faith in Christ). Because they have adopted the 1689 Baptist Confession as their denominational statement of faith, they believe this entitles them to…

  • Lewis Wayman

    Duty Faith Dissected And Discarded

    The reader is presented in the following pages with a perspicuous and full discussion of an important subject, both to the ministers and hearers of the glorious gospel; to the former, that they may take heed how they preach, and to the latter, that they may take heed how they hear. It is indeed granted, that a divine power accompanying the word is necessary to raise a dead sinner; but it is a question of closer enquiry, upon which men widely differ, how that power is given. We may observe two high instances of addresses to the dead, in the cases of the dry bones and of Lazarus; which are frequently produced by the advocates for universal exhortations, but, if we accurately investigate the divine…

  • Veritas (Pseudonym)

    The Watchman’s Warning To The Churches

    Christian Reader,—It is not the intention of “Veritas” to write much himself; but rather to employ the nervous pens of some of those great and sterling Divines, who in their day and generation maintained, unequivocally, the all-important truths and doctrines of the everlasting gospel; who found life, comfort, and consolation, in the firm belief thereof in their own souls while here below, and now find the truth of it in Heaven. They were men of gigantic minds, of close thinking, of deep research, and who were endued with holy ardour for the glory of God; and, like their Master, were “clad with zeal as a cloak:” Isaiah 59:17. Their days were spent in close study in the sacred word; their pens were worn out in…

  • Jared Smith On Various Issues

    4 Hyper Calvinist Quotes

    Below are twenty-five more statements made by Hyper Calvinists: J. Foreman: “If it be the natural man's duty to believe unto salvation, then it must be the natural man's duty for God himself to be to him all what by promise and gift he is to those who through grace do believe unto salvation; and then it must be the natural man's duty for the eternal God to be to him a covenant God - a Redeemer - a Shepherd - a Saviour - a Preserver - a Comforter - a Rock, Refuge, Sun, Shield, High Tower, Horn of Salvation, and Strength - the God of all grace - a Guide - a Father and portion for ever. All this the Lord is to them…