• John Gill, The Cause Of God And Truth

    Part 1 – (2) Genesis 6:3

    “And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.”—Genesis 6:3. It will be necessary, in order to understand the sense of this text, to inquire, I. Who is meant by the Spirit of God; and whether the Holy Ghost, the third Person in the Trinity, is designed or not. 1. Some of the Jewish writers[1] think, that the soul of man is intended; which is called not only the spirit of man, but also the Spirit of God; as in those words of Job, All the while my breath is in me, and the Spirit of God is in my nostrils.[2] Some of them[3] derive the…

  • John Hazelton Sermons

    Repentance And Faith

    A Sermon Preached by Mr. Hazelton, At Mount Zion Chapel, Chadwell Street, Clerkenwell, On Lord’s-Day Evening, 29th November, 1874. “Testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.”—Acts 20:21 The Apostle Paul as the great Apostle of the Gentiles was greatly honoured of God. In Thessalonica he preached the gospel of God’s grace, and became the spiritual father of the church in that city. He preached and became the founder of the church of Christ at Philippi. He went to the city of Ephesus and preached the gospel of our God, and became the spiritual father of that large and import­ant church. The circumstances connected with the introduction of the gospel into the city…

  • John Gill, The Cause Of God And Truth

    Part 1—(1) Genesis 4:7

    “If thou dost well, shalt thou not be accepted?”—Genesis 4:7 I. It will be proper to inquire, whether a wicked, an unregenerate man, as was Cain, can perform good works. To which may be answered, 1. Adam had a power to do every good work the law required; which men, since the fall, have not. Men indeed, in an unregenerate state, might do many things which they do not; such as reading the Scriptures, attending on public worship, etc. No doubt but the persons in the parable, who were invited to the dinner, could have gone to it, had they had a will, as well as the one did to his farm, and the other to his merchandise. Men have an equal power, had they…

  • Jared Smith On Various Issues,  John Hazelton Sermons


    John Hazelton[1] (1822-1888) was a high-calvinist and strict-communion Baptist pastor[2], whose 35 year ministry with the church meeting at Chadwell Street, London, resulted in a congregation that became one of the leading Strict Baptist (SB) churches during the first fifty years of the 20th century. Like most SB’s, Hazelton stood aloof from the ministry of Charles Spurgeon. In many respects, Spurgeon may be regarded as the father of the Reformed Baptist movement—he espoused many of the features that identify this new breed of brethren. Although many Reformed Baptists trace their lineage to the SB’s, this is an illegitimate link. As the sermons of Hazelton will illustrate, the SB’s were unsympathetic to the heretical teachings of Andrew Fuller. Indeed, the SB’s stood with the doctrines espoused…

  • John Gill, The Cause Of God And Truth

    Part 1: The Contents

    In the year 1735, the First Part of this work was published, in which are considered the several passages of Scripture made use of by Dr. Whitby and others in favour of the Universal Scheme, and against the Calvinistical Scheme, in which their arguments and objections are answered, and the several passages set in a just and proper light. These, and what are contained in the following part in favour of the Particular Scheme, are extracted from Sermons delivered in a Wednesday evening's lecture. Examination of 1. Genesis 4:7 2. Genesis 6:3 3. Deuteronomy 5:29 4. Deuteronomy 8:2 5. Deuteronomy 30:19 6. Deuteronomy 32:29 7. Psalm 81:13,14 8. Psalm 125:3 9. Psalm 145:9 10. Proverbs 1:22-30 11. Isaiah 1:16-17 12. Isaiah 1:18-20 13. Isaiah 5:4…

  • John Gill, The Cause Of God And Truth

    The Preface

    The Cause of God and TruthIn Four PartsWith a Vindication of Part IVFrom the Cavils, Calumnies and Defamations of Mr. Henry Heywood, &c.By John Gill, D.D.London, 1838 It should be known by the reader, that the following work was undertaken and begun about the year 1733 or 1734, at which time Dr. Whitby’s Discourse on the Five Points was reprinting, judged to be a masterpiece on the subject in the English tongue, and accounted an unanswerable one; and it was almost in the mouth of every one, as an objection to the Calvinists. Why do not ye answer Dr. Whitby? Induced hereby, I determined to give it another reading, and found myself inclined to answer it, and thought this was a very proper and seasonable…