The Pool Of Bethesda
In the December, 1835 “Gospel Standard,” under the head, “The Pool of Bethesda,” is the following: “Through your valuable 'Standard,' an impotent body, who is hungry and thirsty, and whose soul, at times, fainteth within her for a ray of hope in the manifestation of an interest in a precious Redeemer's blood, is desirous of having a few words from 'A Lover of Zion,' on Jn 5:7. Does he, as a valiant soldier of truth, who has experienced the workings of God the Holy Spirit upon his own soul, think it possible for a poor, weak, feeble sinner to come to that pool, - waiting there for the moving of the waters, who is walking in darkness and having no light, and who, feelingly a…
9 Bible Doctrine – Who Are The Strict And Particular Baptists?
A Transcript Of The Video Study In our previous study, I introduced you to a circle of historic churches in England called the Strict and Particular Baptists. From their origin in the early 17th century, this group of churches subscribed to high views of sovereign grace—they were High-Calvinists. Now, you will sometimes hear people tell you that High or Hyper Calvinism represents only a small number of churches during the last several centuries. However, by the turn of the 20th century, there were almost 600 Strict and High-Calvinist Baptists churches scattered around England. This made up one third of all Baptist churches in the country. As you can see from the map, there were 69 chapels in Greater London alone, with another 160 chapels scattered…
Unvarnished Language
June 9, 1830 My dear Brother, I rejoice to say that the Lord still continues to bless the word preached by me. As He is pleased to lead me into deeper mysteries of His blessed gospel, I can more fully show forth the errors of false authors and ministers, which consequently causes me to be more hated and despised by a false professing world. There has been a book published called "The Calm Observer," in answer to my sermon. The Christian Remembrancer, of the month of April, reviewed it, and has borne a strong testimony in favor of it, by not answering any of its arguments, but by heaping upon me sordid abuse. But even the enemies of the gospel are sorry it has been…
8 Bible Doctrine – What Are The Strict And Particular Baptists?
A Transcript Of The Video Study In our previous study, we considered the meaning of the label “Hyper-Calvinism”. I pointed out that Hyper-Calvinism is a caricature of High-Calvinism. Hyper-Calvinism is the name used by Arminians and lower ranking Calvinists, based on their misunderstanding of higher views of sovereign grace. High-Calvinism, on the other hand, is the name used by High-Calvinists, which more accurately identifies the teachings of this group of believers. For this study, I would like introduce you to a group of High-Calvinist churches in England called Strict and Particular Baptists. Allow me to give a little background. These Baptist churches in England emerged between the years 1610 and 1633. At that time, there were two main issues which divided the churches. First, there…
Part 1 – (3) Deuteronomy 5:29
“O that there were such an heart in them, that they would fear me, and keep all my commandments always, that it might be well with them, and with their children for ever!”—Deuteronomy 5:29. I. These vehement desires of God for the good of these people, are said to be irreconcilable with his decrees of election and reprobation; and supposing those decrees, they are represented[1] to be hypocritical: to which may be replied: 1. For God passionately to wish good things, even salvation itself, for some, and not for all, is no ways contrary, but perfectly agreeable to the doctrine of election. If any thing is said to the purpose, as militating against that doctrine, it ought to be said and proved, that God has…
8 Bible Reading – How Does The Mosaic Covenant Fit Into The Leading Message Of The Bible?
A Transcript Of The Video Study In our previous study, I attempted to explain how the Covenant of Works and the Covenant of Grace differ from the Mosaic Covenant. In my closing statements, I provided an outline for the law which governs each covenant. Under the Covenant of Works, the Heart Law is a twofold law ordained by God for all unregenerate sinners—(1) to love God supremely, and (2) to love one’s neighbor as one’s self. Under the Covenant of Grace, the Gospel Law is ordained by God for all regenerate sinners, which is nothing other than the sinner’s spiritual union with Christ. Under the Mosaic Covenant, the Law of Moses is a threefold law ordained by God for the Jewish people as a nation—(1)…