Duty Faith Denounced
I Am Pure From The Blood Of All Men
Some of the points covered in this sermon: Many believe the Apostle Paul was “pure from the blood of all men” because he offered the gospel (Free-Offer) to everyone he met and exhorted them to believe on Christ (Duty-Faith). This view is propagated by freewill religionists belonging to the Arminian and Moderate-Calvinist persuasions. This study: (1) Explains the meaning of Duty-Faith and the Free-Offer (2) Provides an expositional overview of the text (3) Points out the term (and idea) of an ‘offer’ does not appear in the text, although seven other words do appear—show (announce), teach, testify, preach, declare, feed, show (reason/argue) (4) Explains how Paul’s declaration of “all the counsel of God” is a reference to the Framework of Sovereign Grace (5) Explains how…
12 Bible Doctrine – Have Calvinists Diagramed Their Framework Of Doctrine?
A Transcript Of The Video Study Yes, many Calvinists have attempted to illustrate the way in which they understand the framework of sovereign grace. For this study, I would like to show you two of the more well known diagrams, both of which were produced more than three hundred years ago. The first was drawn up by a man named William Perkins. 1. William Perkins (1558–1602) William Perkins was a student and then professor at Cambridge University. He became one of the leading Puritans in the Church of England during the Elizabethan era. His writings gained such popularity that they even surpassed the sales of John Calvin. He wrote almost 50 books, which is quite an achievement, considering he died at the early age of…
Questions About The Law
The following article was taken from William Gadsby's work, “The Present State of Religion”, where he dealt with the law as a rule of conduct for the Christian. Dear Sir, Friend G. informs me you wish me to write to you, and inform you what law it is that I say the believer is in no sense under. I therefore write to say (though I cannot help thinking you must know) that it is the law given to Moses on Mount Sinai, commonly called the moral law, or ten commandments, recorded in Exodus 20, and hinted at, with its curses annexed to it, in Deuteronomy 27. This is the law I intend, and do venture to say that the believer in Christ is in no…
10 Bible Doctrine – Do The Strict And Particular Baptists Have A Framework Of Doctrine?
A Transcript Of The Video Study In our previous study, I introduced to you several prominent men and women belonging to the Strict and Particular Baptists of past centuries. The question which now arises—Do the Strict and Particular Baptists have a framework of doctrine around which they organize their teachings? The answer is yes, they do have a framework of doctrine, which can be extracted from their writings. Now, in my view, these writings should be arranged under one of two general categories—First, the 17th and 18th century preachers, who tended to approach the gospel doctrinally and systematically; Second, the 19th and 20th century preachers, who seemed to be more inclined to approach the gospel practically and experientially. Of course, this is not a hard…
10 Bible Reading – How Were The Saints Of The Old Testament Saved?
A Transcript Of The Video Study This is a question I have answered several times in previous studies. However, it happens to be a question which seems to linger in the minds of many church goers, especially those who have been influenced by Dispensational teachings. As I pointed out in our previous study, there are many people who view the Old Testament to be a revelation of God’s Law, which sinners were responsible to obey in order to have a relationship with God, whereas they see the New Testament as a revelation of God’s grace where sinners are responsible to believe on Christ in order to have a relationship with God. When those who believe such things are questioned about whether sinners are saved by…