The Works of Andrew Fuller with a Biography (Part 1)
The Works of Andrew Fuller with a Biography by the Editor Andrew Gunten Fuller A Banner of Truth Trust Facsimile Reprint Part One On the cover of the new BOT facsimile of Fuller’s works, we find the title and the name Michael A. G. Haykin. Prof. Haykin, however, neither edited the work nor provided the introductory biography. This was done by Andrew Fuller’s son, Andrew Gunten Fuller in 1831. Of Fuller Jr.’s efforts, Spurgeon said that he had used much moss to cover his father’s thorns. What then has Michel Haykin to do with this volume? Very little, apart from lending his name to the cover. True, Prof. Haykin has written a few opening words entitled Andrew Fuller: Life and Legacy A Brief Overview but…
Chapter 10: A Reply Made Unto Sundry Pleas Urged Against What Is Written
Plea #1. “This point in your book of Offers, Invitations and Exhortations, I must take some notice of, having prepared some manuscripts which I know not but I may publish, to justify my own and the practice of others, or rather the Gospel itself.” Reply. It’s a pity that it was not thought on by this writer, that neither he nor his practice should have been taken notice of to be justified, but that the Lord alone was to be exalted. For it is plain he brings down the Gospel to himself and his practice, who should have brought up himself and his practice to the Gospel, had he pleaded in the light and teachings of the Lord the Spirit. It is certain that our…
Stand Fast In The Liberty Of Your Union With Christ
This study is the second of a two part series based on the teachings of the Apostle Paul in Galatians 5:1: “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” In the previous study, Jared drew a line between the false doctrine of Progressive Sanctification and the entanglement again with the yoke of bondage. In this study, he draws a line between the scriptural doctrine of spiritual growth in Christ and standing fast in the liberty wherewith He has made the believer free.
Chapter 9: Some Texts Of Scripture That Are Evidently Mis-applied To Uphold Offer Preaching, Set Right To Confute The Offer-Way
The first text mistaken is Rev. 22:17, “and the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.” This text is of another tendency than that in John 7:37, “if any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink,” which text I have opened in my last book. “Let him that is athirst come.” Athirst for what? It’s plain, for the “pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.” Rev. 22:1. Athirst, when? Why, this is also plain, ‘tis when that pure river of the water of life runs. {“I…
Book 1: Chapter 15, State In Which Man Was Created. The Faculties Of The Soul—The Image Of God—Free Will—Original Righteousness
This chapter is thus divided:—I. The necessary rules to be observed in considering the state of man before the fall being laid down, the point first considered is the creation of the body, and the lesson taught by its being formed out of the earth, and made alive, sec. 1. II. The immortality of the human soul is proved by various solid arguments, sec. 2. III. The image of God (the strongest proof of the soul’s immortality) is considered, and various absurd fancies are refuted, sec. 3. IV. Several errors which obscure the light of truth being dissipated, follows a philosophical and theological consideration of the faculties of the soul before the fall. Sections. 1. A twofold knowledge of God—viz. before the fall and after…
Entangled With The Yoke Of Bondage
Having served for three years as an Evangelist in the Philippines, Jared Smith has prepared two studies based on Galatians 5:1, in response to the insidious doctrine of progressive sanctification, which pervades every church and Christian denomination with which he has come into contact throughout the course of his evangelistic labors. The Apostle Paul identifies the doctrine of progressive sanctification as “another gospel”, and Jared attempts in this study to explain why.