1 What Is The Gospel Law?
I’d like to invite you to take your Bible. We're looking at Galatians chapter 6 and I'll be reading for you the second verse. While you're turning there, let me make a comment about the unpolished onscreen notes. If you follow my teaching ministry regularly, you'll know that I have more polished notes than the ones you see on the screen. This week and probably the next three to four weeks after, I’m going to be extremely busy and I just don't have the time to make the regular preparations I usually give to these recorded teachings, and so I've opted to continue using onscreen notes, but I'm afraid you're going to have to put up with my handwritten notes, and I'll be making them…
The Articles Of Faith, Biddenden Chapel
With the combined energies and resources of a deacon belonging to Tilden Chapel in Smarden, and a farmer residing in Lashenden, a Strict and Particular Baptist Chapel was built in 1880. Two years after the chapel opened, a church was organized and John Kemp was appointed the first pastor. He served the fellowship until his death in 1932, a total of 52 years. Biddenden Chapel, 1880 John Kemp, Pastor
Gadsby’s Convictional Statement Of Faith
William Gadsby (1773-1844) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher, who for thirty-eight years served as pastor for the church meeting at Black Lane, Manchester. His son John (1808-1893) was an author and printer, who in 1835 started a new religious magazine entitled, “The Gospel Standard, Or, Feeble Christian’s Support.” He immediately gained the help of his father, together serving as its first Editors. The first Issue of the magazine was printed in August 1835, beginning with an “Address” to the “Christian Reader”, the content of which sets forth the articles of faith drawn up and embraced by the Editors (most likely the convictional statement of William Gadsby):
37 An Examination Of Gill’s Goat Yard Declaration Of Faith (1729)
I would like to welcome you back to another study in Bible Doctrine. In our previous study, I laid out for you a historic backdrop to Gill’s Goat Yard Declaration. For this study, I would like to look at the document itself. However, it seems appropriate, given the fact that the Declaration was designed for a single congregation, that we first take a look at that congregation, to gain a bird’s eye view of its history and doctrinal positions. The Goat Yard Declaration was named after the church for which it was drawn up. It was known as the church meeting at Goat’s Yard Passage, on Fair Street, in Horsley-Down, Southwark, and they met in the Goat’s Yard Chapel. The origin of the church may…
36 A Historical Backdrop To Gill’s Goat Yard Declaration Of Faith (1729)
I would like to welcome you back to another study in Bible Doctrine. In our previous study, I introduced you to the ministry and writings of an 18th century Baptist theologian named John Gill. Aside from his pastoral duties in London, he was a prolific writer, the author of more than twenty-five works, many of which were large and exhaustive volumes. Of these works, there are four which I recommended you should have and of which you should make frequent use: 1. “The Cause of God and Truth” (1735-38) 2. “An Exposition of the Old and New Testaments” (1746-48; 1763-66) 3. “Goat Yard Declaration of Faith” (1729) 4. “A Body of Doctrinal and Practical Divinity” (1769-70) Having already given an overview and samples of the…
The Great Ejection (1643-1660)
Having spent most of my life in Free church circles, I learnt very early of the severe persecutions meted out in England during the 17th century to Dissenters, Non-Conformists and Non-Jurors who wished to preach, teach and witness in Anglican parishes. Two books which became of special influence in forming my judgement, the first many years ago and the second in more recent years, were Thomas Coleman’s The Two Thousand Confessors of Sixteen Hundred and Sixty-Two and Edmund Calamy’s The Nonconformist’s Memorial, a three-volumed work on the same period. I still treasure these works which served under God to cause me to abhor any form of religious, political and social persecution. As a result of reading such books as the above, however, I came to…