• The Gospel Magazine

    Notional Calvinism Versus Experimental Calvinism

    Notional Calvinism is a plant of common growth in this our day of widely extended profession, whereas experimental Calvinism is just as scarce as ever it was. The former, like our present popular mode of travelling may be very perfect in machinery, but if the fire be wanting it is worse than useless. A bright morning ushered in the Sabbath of—. It was the anniversary of a place of worship, where the truth of God was sown in sorrow and watered with tears. The few who frequented it assembled at the usual hour, and the gathering was small. Numbers, however, have nothing to do with the operations of God’s Spirit, any more than instruments. It is nothing with Him to help, whether with many, or…

  • Tobias Crisp

    The Life And Ministry Of Tobias Crisp

    Tobias Crisp served the Lord during a time of civil war and ecclesiastical unrest. There were threats of a papal take-over in the Established Church and Amyraldianism, Arminianism, Grotianism and Socinianism were flooding into the country to water down the faith inherited from the Reformers and defended by the Puritans. Crisp found these new religions false as they did not exalt Christ. Entering the ministry as an unconverted man This ‘holy and judicious’ person, as Augustus Toplady describes Crisp, was born into a family of London sheriffs and aldermen and was educated at Eton, Cambridge and Oxford, finishing his studies by gaining a D.D.. He married Mary Wilson, an Alderman’s daughter, and the couple were blessed with thirteen children. He was ordained Rector of Brinkworth…

  • The Earthen Vessel

    The Strict Baptist Denomination

    “God’s precious truth is to us of more value than the friendship of men, and knowing it experimentally, as we do, we should be thoroughly dishonest to God and to our own conscience if we did not do our utmost to set it forth, and exhort others, who profess the name of Jesus, to do the same, whether men will receive it or not. The truth we mean is, in our estimation, the only thing worth contending for. It is not a mere scientific or speculative matter, but a living reality. The apostle Jude calls it "the FAITH which was once delivered unto the saints," and urges all true believers to "earnestly contend" for it. It being "once delivered" there is no possibility of any…

  • J. B. Pandian

    The Life And Ministry Of J. B. Pandian

    The Personal Testimony Of Mr. Pandian’s Conversion To Christ And Call To The Gospel Ministry Conversion To Christ "I was born a Hindoo of the Maravar caste, in the year 1861, at Perurani, Tinnevelly District. I belong to the family of Maniashi, Zemindar (a petty prince). My father was a wealthy man, and as I was his only son, he employed a Brahmin teacher to instruct me, in the Hindoo religion. Many a time I accompanied my grandmother in her pilgrimages to sacred places, and on our journeys she used to tell me about the fearful and avenging gods and goddesses whom we were going to pay our vows to. Nothing but fear induced me to worship these gods, and I had no idea of…

  • John Piper

    The Life And Ministry Of John Piper

    The testimony of John Piper’s life and ministry is recorded in the Earthen Vessel (1888). On pages 264 and 331, we are given the following account of his life:  “To The Editor.—Dear Sir,—I will (D.V.) forward you particulars of the late Mr. Piper’s call by grace, voyage to this country, &c., which I received from his lips when spending an hour or two at his house. They made a deep impression upon my mind, and may be very interesting to your readers. Yours sincerely, W. Paul. 191 Shakespeare-road, Herne Hill, S.E." Some Account Of The Call By Grace, Ministry, And Voyage To England Of The Late Mr. John Piper, Of Demerara. By W. Paul, of Herne Hill Mr. Piper was endowed with a largely developed…

  • Jared Smith On Various Issues

    A Very Strange Sound In Our Ears

    Strange things  I've heard Reformed Baptists say: "We must believe like John Calvin, but evangelize like James Arminius!" "If it were not for Paedobaptism, I would be a Presbyterian!" "A church is at high risk of pastoral dictatorship unless more than one pastor is appointed." "Christians need the church like babies need milk...it is their nourishment for life." "Hyper-calvinists have no urgency to preach the gospel to dying sinners," said one while spending a day visiting with me in the sitting room, instead of urgently preaching the gospel to my neigbors. "It is the unbeliever's duty to believe on Christ, and the believer's duty to obey the [moral] law!" "God wants you to come to Christ; the only thing keeping you from salvation is your…