• Josiah Morling,  Personal Confessions

    A Declaration Of Faith

    Declaration Of Faith Read By The Pastor Elect, Mr. Josiah Morling, High Wycombe, Buck. I believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament, in their entirety, are the real Word of God; that they are the full and perfect revelation of His mind, will, works, and ways; that holy men of God wrote them as they were moved by the Holy Ghost, and are the only infallible rule of faith and practice (Ps 119:128; Is 8:20; Jn 5:39; Acts 17:11; Rom 15:4; 2 Tim 3:15-17; 2 Pet 1:19-21.) I believe there is but one living and true God, who is a Spirit, infinite, eternal, independent, and immutable; that there are three co-equal and co-eternal Persons in the glorious God-head; Father, Word, and Holy…

  • Thomas Poock

    Sorrow And Salvation

    This blessed chapter is particularly memorable to my soul, the good Lord having applied the 3rd verse with such power to my almost distracted mind thirty-eight years ago, that I can never read, think, or preach from any part of it, without remembering that deliverance I then so visibly received from my Lord;—indeed, I find every sentence a sermon throughout this important chapter, when the Holy Spirit is pleased to open and apply it to my heart with his moving and melting influence; and do count at your leisure the number of “Thus saith the Lord” in it, which you will find amount to twenty-one, if I mistake not; confirming the promises, precepts, injunctions, and instructions it contains; shewing the loving heart of our God…

  • Charles Rolfe

    Can You Give Me The Gospel You Offer?

    The late Charles Rolfe (1802-1877), Rector of Shadoxhurst and Orlestone, Kent, a good scholar in the school of Christ, a consistent follower of the Lamb, and a faithful champion for the truth, frequently told an anecdote of a person who went to a minister who had been offering salvation to all who chose to accept it, and said to him, "Sir, last night you offered me salvation; can you give it to me?" "No!" "Then why did you offer it? Preach the Gospel of the grace of God boldly, as you ought, without seeking to please men, and then the Holy Ghost will apply the truth to the hearts of those whom the Lord shall call." Our omnipotent Saviour is not a suitor at the…

  • Jared Smith's Studies In Romans

    Study 8: Three Groups, Three Covenants, Three Laws

    This study explores the distinctions between three major groups, covenants and laws recorded by Paul in his letter to the Romans. The Non-Elect are under the authority of the Covenant of Works, subject to the heart law; the Elect are under the authority of the Covenant of Grace, subject to the gospel law; the Jewish people as a nation were under the authority of the Mosaic Covenant, subject to its law. Failure to distinguish between these groups, covenants and laws is the cause of much confusion among professing Christians. This is particularly true with reference to the issues surrounding Hyper-Calvinism. Arminians and Moderate-Calvinists mistakenly believe the whole matter revolves around an excessive view of divine sovereignty, when it actually turns on the hinges of the…

  • Edwin White

    The Scriptural Method Of Addressing The Unconverted

    As ministers of Jesus Christ we desire to make full proof of our ministry, and to rightly and faithfully discharge every part of the solemn trust we have received from our Lord and Master. We are anxious that we may be able to say to our hearers in the language of the apostle, ''Wherefore I take you to record this day, that I am pure from the blood of all men. For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God." We have the flock of God to feed which He hath purchased with His blood, and who are savingly brought to know Him. But we have to seek the wandering sheep who are of His fold, and yet, they are…

  • Daniel Whitaker

    The Nature And Design Of Gospel Invitations

    The occasion of the following Sermon having been preached, and of its being now published to the world, is as follows. An association of Baptist Ministers in London, maintaining the distinguishing doctrines of the Gospel, are in the habit of meeting together once in three months, at each other's places of worship, for their mutual edification, and to promote union among their respective Churches; after which, a sermon is preached, on a previously appointed subject. Being one of that Association, I was at our meeting in June last, chosen the Lecturer for the next occasion, and the subject assigned me was, “The nature and design of the invitations of the Gospel." Accordingly on the 22nd of September, 1835, being through the kind providence of God,…